Intel® Implicit SPMD Program Compiler (Intel® ISPC)  1.13.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (c) 2010-2020, Intel Corporation
3  All rights reserved.
5  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
7  met:
9  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
10  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
13  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
14  documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
16  * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its
17  contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
18  this software without specific prior written permission.
32 */
34 /** @file module.cpp
35  @brief Impementation of the Module class, which collects the result of compiling
36  a source file and then generates output (object files, etc.)
37 */
39 #include "module.h"
40 #include "builtins.h"
41 #include "ctx.h"
42 #include "expr.h"
43 #include "func.h"
44 #include "llvmutil.h"
45 #include "opt.h"
46 #include "stmt.h"
47 #include "sym.h"
48 #include "type.h"
49 #include "util.h"
51 #include <algorithm>
52 #include <ctype.h>
53 #include <fcntl.h>
54 #include <set>
55 #include <sstream>
56 #include <stdarg.h>
57 #include <stdio.h>
58 #include <sys/stat.h>
59 #include <sys/types.h>
61 #include <io.h>
62 #include <windows.h>
63 #define strcasecmp stricmp
64 #endif
65 #include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
66 #include <clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h>
67 #include <clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h>
68 #include <clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h>
69 #include <clang/Frontend/Utils.h>
70 #include <clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h>
71 #include <llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h>
72 #include <llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeWriter.h>
73 #include <llvm/IR/CFG.h>
74 #include <llvm/IR/DataLayout.h>
75 #include <llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h>
76 #include <llvm/IR/IRPrintingPasses.h>
77 #include <llvm/IR/InstIterator.h>
78 #include <llvm/IR/Instructions.h>
79 #include <llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h>
80 #include <llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h>
81 #include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
82 #include <llvm/IR/Type.h>
83 #include <llvm/IR/Verifier.h>
84 #include <llvm/PassRegistry.h>
85 #include <llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h>
86 #include <llvm/Support/FormattedStream.h>
87 #include <llvm/Support/Host.h>
88 #include <llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h>
89 #include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
90 #include <llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h>
91 #include <llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h>
92 #include <llvm/Transforms/IPO.h>
93 #include <llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h>
95 /*! list of files encountered by the parser. this allows emitting of
96  the module file's dependencies via the -MMM option */
97 std::set<std::string> registeredDependencies;
99 /*! this is where the parser tells us that it has seen the given file
100  name in the CPP hash */
101 void RegisterDependency(const std::string &fileName) {
102  if (fileName[0] != '<' && fileName != "stdlib.ispc")
103  registeredDependencies.insert(fileName);
104 }
106 static void lDeclareSizeAndPtrIntTypes(SymbolTable *symbolTable) {
108  ptrIntType = ptrIntType->GetAsUnboundVariabilityType();
110  symbolTable->AddType("intptr_t", ptrIntType, SourcePos());
111  symbolTable->AddType("uintptr_t", ptrIntType->GetAsUnsignedType(), SourcePos());
112  symbolTable->AddType("ptrdiff_t", ptrIntType, SourcePos());
114  const Type *sizeType =
116  sizeType = sizeType->GetAsUnboundVariabilityType();
117  symbolTable->AddType("size_t", sizeType, SourcePos());
118 }
120 /** After compilation completes, there's often a lot of extra debugging
121  metadata left around that isn't needed any more--for example, for
122  static functions that weren't actually used, function information for
123  functions that were inlined, etc. This function takes a llvm::Module
124  and tries to strip out all of this extra stuff.
125  */
126 static void lStripUnusedDebugInfo(llvm::Module *module) { return; }
128 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 // Module
131 Module::Module(const char *fn) {
132  // It's a hack to do this here, but it must be done after the target
133  // information has been set (so e.g. the vector width is known...) In
134  // particular, if we're compiling to multiple targets with different
135  // vector widths, this needs to be redone each time through.
136  InitLLVMUtil(g->ctx, *g->target);
138  filename = fn;
139  errorCount = 0;
140  symbolTable = new SymbolTable;
141  ast = new AST;
145  module = new llvm::Module(!IsStdin(filename) ? filename : "<stdin>", *g->ctx);
146  module->setTargetTriple(g->target->GetTripleString());
148  diBuilder = NULL;
149  diCompileUnit = NULL;
151  // DataLayout information supposed to be managed in single place in Target class.
152  module->setDataLayout(g->target->getDataLayout()->getStringRepresentation());
155  // To enable debug information on Windows, we have to let llvm know, that
156  // debug information should be emitted in CodeView format.
157  if (g->target_os == TargetOS::windows) {
158  module->addModuleFlag(llvm::Module::Warning, "CodeView", 1);
159  } else {
160  module->addModuleFlag(llvm::Module::Warning, "Dwarf Version", g->generateDWARFVersion);
161  }
162  diBuilder = new llvm::DIBuilder(*module);
164  // Let the DIBuilder know that we're starting a new compilation
165  // unit.
166  if (IsStdin(filename)) {
167  // Unfortunately we can't yet call Error() since the global 'm'
168  // variable hasn't been initialized yet.
169  Error(SourcePos(), "Can't emit debugging information with no "
170  "source file on disk.\n");
171  ++errorCount;
172  delete diBuilder;
173  diBuilder = NULL;
174  } else {
175  std::string directory, name;
176  GetDirectoryAndFileName(g->currentDirectory, filename, &directory, &name);
177  char producerString[512];
178 #if defined(BUILD_VERSION) && defined(BUILD_DATE)
179  snprintf(producerString, sizeof(producerString), "ispc version %s (build %s on %s)", ISPC_VERSION,
181 #else
182  snprintf(producerString, sizeof(producerString), "ispc version %s (built on %s)", ISPC_VERSION, __DATE__);
183 #endif
184  auto srcFile = diBuilder->createFile(name, directory);
185  diCompileUnit =
186  diBuilder->createCompileUnit(llvm::dwarf::DW_LANG_C99, /* lang */
187  srcFile, /* filename */
188  producerString, /* producer */
189  g->opt.level > 0 /* is optimized */, "-g", /* command line args */
190  0 /* run time version */);
191  }
192  }
193 }
195 extern FILE *yyin;
196 extern int yyparse();
197 typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE;
199 extern YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string(const char *);
200 extern YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer(FILE *, int);
201 extern void yy_delete_buffer(YY_BUFFER_STATE);
204  extern void ParserInit();
205  ParserInit();
207  // FIXME: it'd be nice to do this in the Module constructor, but this
208  // function ends up calling into routines that expect the global
209  // variable 'm' to be initialized and available (which it isn't until
210  // the Module constructor returns...)
213  bool runPreprocessor = g->runCPP;
215  if (runPreprocessor) {
216  if (!IsStdin(filename)) {
217  // Try to open the file first, since otherwise we crash in the
218  // preprocessor if the file doesn't exist.
219  FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
220  if (!f) {
221  perror(filename);
222  return 1;
223  }
224  fclose(f);
225  }
227  std::string buffer;
228  llvm::raw_string_ostream os(buffer);
229  execPreprocessor(!IsStdin(filename) ? filename : "-", &os);
230  YY_BUFFER_STATE strbuf = yy_scan_string(os.str().c_str());
231  yyparse();
232  yy_delete_buffer(strbuf);
233  } else {
234  // No preprocessor, just open up the file if it's not stdin..
235  FILE *f = NULL;
236  if (IsStdin(filename)) {
237  f = stdin;
238  } else {
239  f = fopen(filename, "r");
240  if (f == NULL) {
241  perror(filename);
242  return 1;
243  }
244  }
245  yyin = f;
247  yyparse();
248  fclose(f);
249  }
251  if (g->NoOmitFramePointer)
252  for (llvm::Function &f : *module)
253  f.addFnAttr("no-frame-pointer-elim", "true");
254  for (llvm::Function &f : *module)
256  ast->GenerateIR();
258  if (diBuilder)
259  diBuilder->finalize();
260  if (errorCount == 0)
261  Optimize(module, g->opt.level);
263  return errorCount;
264 }
266 void Module::AddTypeDef(const std::string &name, const Type *type, SourcePos pos) {
267  // Typedefs are easy; just add the mapping between the given name and
268  // the given type.
269  symbolTable->AddType(name.c_str(), type, pos);
270 }
272 void Module::AddGlobalVariable(const std::string &name, const Type *type, Expr *initExpr, bool isConst,
273  StorageClass storageClass, SourcePos pos) {
274  // These may be NULL due to errors in parsing; just gracefully return
275  // here if so.
276  if (name == "" || type == NULL) {
277  Assert(errorCount > 0);
278  return;
279  }
281  if (symbolTable->LookupFunction(name.c_str())) {
282  Error(pos,
283  "Global variable \"%s\" shadows previously-declared "
284  "function.",
285  name.c_str());
286  return;
287  }
289  if (storageClass == SC_EXTERN_C) {
290  Error(pos, "extern \"C\" qualifier can only be used for "
291  "functions.");
292  return;
293  }
295  if (type->IsVoidType()) {
296  Error(pos, "\"void\" type global variable is illegal.");
297  return;
298  }
300  type = ArrayType::SizeUnsizedArrays(type, initExpr);
301  if (type == NULL)
302  return;
304  const ArrayType *at = CastType<ArrayType>(type);
305  if (at != NULL && at->TotalElementCount() == 0) {
306  Error(pos, "Illegal to declare a global variable with unsized "
307  "array dimensions that aren't set with an initializer "
308  "expression.");
309  return;
310  }
312  llvm::Type *llvmType = type->LLVMStorageType(g->ctx);
313  if (llvmType == NULL)
314  return;
316  // See if we have an initializer expression for the global. If so,
317  // make sure it's a compile-time constant!
318  llvm::Constant *llvmInitializer = NULL;
319  ConstExpr *constValue = NULL;
320  if (storageClass == SC_EXTERN) {
321  if (initExpr != NULL)
322  Error(pos,
323  "Initializer can't be provided with \"extern\" "
324  "global variable \"%s\".",
325  name.c_str());
326  } else {
327  if (initExpr != NULL) {
328  initExpr = TypeCheck(initExpr);
329  if (initExpr != NULL) {
330  // We need to make sure the initializer expression is
331  // the same type as the global. (But not if it's an
332  // ExprList; they don't have types per se / can't type
333  // convert themselves anyway.)
334  if (llvm::dyn_cast<ExprList>(initExpr) == NULL)
335  initExpr = TypeConvertExpr(initExpr, type, "initializer");
337  if (initExpr != NULL) {
338  initExpr = Optimize(initExpr);
339  // Fingers crossed, now let's see if we've got a
340  // constant value..
341  std::pair<llvm::Constant *, bool> initPair = initExpr->GetStorageConstant(type);
342  llvmInitializer = initPair.first;
344  // If compiling for multitarget, skip initialization for
345  // indentified scenarios unless it's static
346  if (llvmInitializer != NULL) {
347  if ((storageClass != SC_STATIC) && (initPair.second == true)) {
348  if (g->isMultiTargetCompilation == true) {
349  Error(initExpr->pos,
350  "Initializer for global variable \"%s\" "
351  "is not a constant for multi-target compilation.",
352  name.c_str());
353  return;
354  }
355  Warning(initExpr->pos,
356  "Initializer for global variable \"%s\" "
357  "is a constant for single-target compilation "
358  "but not for multi-target compilation.",
359  name.c_str());
360  }
362  if (type->IsConstType())
363  // Try to get a ConstExpr associated with
364  // the symbol. This llvm::dyn_cast can
365  // validly fail, for example for types like
366  // StructTypes where a ConstExpr can't
367  // represent their values.
368  constValue = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstExpr>(initExpr);
369  } else
370  Error(initExpr->pos,
371  "Initializer for global variable \"%s\" "
372  "must be a constant.",
373  name.c_str());
374  }
375  }
376  }
378  // If no initializer was provided or if we couldn't get a value
379  // above, initialize it with zeros..
380  if (llvmInitializer == NULL)
381  llvmInitializer = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(llvmType);
382  }
384  Symbol *sym = symbolTable->LookupVariable(name.c_str());
385  llvm::GlobalVariable *oldGV = NULL;
386  if (sym != NULL) {
387  // We've already seen either a declaration or a definition of this
388  // global.
390  // If the type doesn't match with the previous one, issue an error.
391  if (!Type::Equal(sym->type, type) ||
392  (sym->storageClass != SC_EXTERN && sym->storageClass != SC_EXTERN_C && sym->storageClass != storageClass)) {
393  Error(pos,
394  "Definition of variable \"%s\" conflicts with "
395  "definition at %s:%d.",
396  name.c_str(), sym->, sym->pos.first_line);
397  return;
398  }
400  llvm::GlobalVariable *gv = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(sym->storagePtr);
401  Assert(gv != NULL);
403  // And issue an error if this is a redefinition of a variable
404  if (gv->hasInitializer() && sym->storageClass != SC_EXTERN && sym->storageClass != SC_EXTERN_C) {
405  Error(pos,
406  "Redefinition of variable \"%s\" is illegal. "
407  "(Previous definition at %s:%d.)",
408  sym->name.c_str(), sym->, sym->pos.first_line);
409  return;
410  }
412  // Now, we either have a redeclaration of a global, or a definition
413  // of a previously-declared global. First, save the pointer to the
414  // previous llvm::GlobalVariable
415  oldGV = gv;
416  } else {
417  sym = new Symbol(name, pos, type, storageClass);
418  symbolTable->AddVariable(sym);
419  }
420  sym->constValue = constValue;
422  llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes linkage =
423  (sym->storageClass == SC_STATIC) ? llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage : llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage;
425  // Note that the NULL llvmInitializer is what leads to "extern"
426  // declarations coming up extern and not defining storage (a bit
427  // subtle)...
428  sym->storagePtr = new llvm::GlobalVariable(*module, llvmType, isConst, linkage, llvmInitializer, sym->name.c_str());
430  // Patch up any references to the previous GlobalVariable (e.g. from a
431  // declaration of a global that was later defined.)
432  if (oldGV != NULL) {
433  oldGV->replaceAllUsesWith(sym->storagePtr);
434  oldGV->removeFromParent();
435  sym->storagePtr->setName(sym->name.c_str());
436  }
438  if (diBuilder) {
439  llvm::DIFile *file = pos.GetDIFile();
440  // llvm::MDFile *file = pos.GetDIFile();
441  llvm::GlobalVariable *sym_GV_storagePtr = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(sym->storagePtr);
442  Assert(sym_GV_storagePtr);
443  llvm::DIGlobalVariableExpression *var = diBuilder->createGlobalVariableExpression(
444  file, name, name, file, pos.first_line, sym->type->GetDIType(file), (sym->storageClass == SC_STATIC));
445  sym_GV_storagePtr->addDebugInfo(var);
447  Assert(var.Verify());
448  #else // LLVM 3.7+
449  // comming soon
450  #endif*/
451  }
452 }
454 /** Given an arbitrary type, see if it or any of the leaf types contained
455  in it has a type that's illegal to have exported to C/C++
456  code.
458  (Note that it's fine for the original struct or a contained struct to
459  be varying, so long as all of its members have bound 'uniform'
460  variability.)
462  This functions returns true and issues an error if are any illegal
463  types are found and returns false otherwise.
464 */
465 static bool lRecursiveCheckValidParamType(const Type *t, bool vectorOk) {
466  const StructType *st = CastType<StructType>(t);
467  if (st != NULL) {
468  for (int i = 0; i < st->GetElementCount(); ++i)
469  if (!lRecursiveCheckValidParamType(st->GetElementType(i), vectorOk))
470  return false;
471  return true;
472  }
474  // Vector types are also not supported, pending ispc properly
475  // supporting the platform ABI. (Pointers to vector types are ok,
476  // though.) (
477  if (vectorOk == false && CastType<VectorType>(t) != NULL)
478  return false;
480  const SequentialType *seqt = CastType<SequentialType>(t);
481  if (seqt != NULL)
482  return lRecursiveCheckValidParamType(seqt->GetElementType(), vectorOk);
484  const PointerType *pt = CastType<PointerType>(t);
485  if (pt != NULL) {
486  // Only allow exported uniform pointers
487  // Uniform pointers to varying data, however, are ok.
488  if (pt->IsVaryingType())
489  return false;
490  else
491  return lRecursiveCheckValidParamType(pt->GetBaseType(), true);
492  }
494  if (t->IsVaryingType() && !vectorOk)
495  return false;
496  else
497  return true;
498 }
500 /** Given a Symbol representing a function parameter, see if it or any
501  contained types are varying. If so, issue an error. (This function
502  should only be called for parameters to 'export'ed functions, where
503  varying parameters is illegal.
504  */
505 static void lCheckExportedParameterTypes(const Type *type, const std::string &name, SourcePos pos) {
506  if (lRecursiveCheckValidParamType(type, false) == false) {
507  if (CastType<PointerType>(type))
508  Error(pos,
509  "Varying pointer type parameter \"%s\" is illegal "
510  "in an exported function.",
511  name.c_str());
512  if (CastType<StructType>(type->GetBaseType()))
513  Error(pos,
514  "Struct parameter \"%s\" with vector typed "
515  "member(s) is illegal in an exported function.",
516  name.c_str());
517  else if (CastType<VectorType>(type))
518  Error(pos,
519  "Vector-typed parameter \"%s\" is illegal in an exported "
520  "function.",
521  name.c_str());
522  else
523  Error(pos, "Varying parameter \"%s\" is illegal in an exported function.", name.c_str());
524  }
525 }
527 /** Given a function type, loop through the function parameters and see if
528  any are StructTypes. If so, issue an error; this is currently broken
529  (
530  */
531 static void lCheckForStructParameters(const FunctionType *ftype, SourcePos pos) {
532  for (int i = 0; i < ftype->GetNumParameters(); ++i) {
533  const Type *type = ftype->GetParameterType(i);
534  if (CastType<StructType>(type) != NULL) {
535  Error(pos, "Passing structs to/from application functions by value "
536  "is currently not supported. Use a reference, a const reference, "
537  "a pointer, or a const pointer to the struct instead.");
538  return;
539  }
540  }
541 }
543 /** We've got a declaration for a function to process. This function does
544  all the work of creating the corresponding llvm::Function instance,
545  adding the symbol for the function to the symbol table and doing
546  various sanity checks. This function returns true upon success and
547  false if any errors were encountered.
548  */
549 void Module::AddFunctionDeclaration(const std::string &name, const FunctionType *functionType,
550  StorageClass storageClass, bool isInline, bool isNoInline, SourcePos pos) {
551  Assert(functionType != NULL);
553  // If a global variable with the same name has already been declared
554  // issue an error.
555  if (symbolTable->LookupVariable(name.c_str()) != NULL) {
556  Error(pos,
557  "Function \"%s\" shadows previously-declared global variable. "
558  "Ignoring this definition.",
559  name.c_str());
560  return;
561  }
563  std::vector<Symbol *> overloadFuncs;
564  symbolTable->LookupFunction(name.c_str(), &overloadFuncs);
565  if (overloadFuncs.size() > 0) {
566  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < overloadFuncs.size(); ++i) {
567  Symbol *overloadFunc = overloadFuncs[i];
569  const FunctionType *overloadType = CastType<FunctionType>(overloadFunc->type);
570  if (overloadType == NULL) {
571  Assert(m->errorCount == 0);
572  continue;
573  }
575  // Check for a redeclaration of a function with the same name
576  // and type. This also hits when we have previously declared
577  // the function and are about to define it.
578  if (Type::Equal(overloadFunc->type, functionType))
579  return;
581  if (functionType->isExported || overloadType->isExported)
582  Error(pos,
583  "Illegal to provide \"export\" qualifier for "
584  "functions with the same name but different types. "
585  "(Previous function declaration (%s:%d).)",
586  overloadFunc->, overloadFunc->pos.first_line);
588  // If all of the parameter types match but the return type is
589  // different, return an error--overloading by return type isn't
590  // allowed.
591  const FunctionType *ofType = CastType<FunctionType>(overloadFunc->type);
592  Assert(ofType != NULL);
593  if (ofType->GetNumParameters() == functionType->GetNumParameters()) {
594  int i;
595  for (i = 0; i < functionType->GetNumParameters(); ++i) {
596  if (Type::Equal(ofType->GetParameterType(i), functionType->GetParameterType(i)) == false)
597  break;
598  }
599  if (i == functionType->GetNumParameters()) {
600  std::string thisRetType = functionType->GetReturnTypeString();
601  std::string otherRetType = ofType->GetReturnTypeString();
602  Error(pos,
603  "Illegal to overload function by return "
604  "type only. This function returns \"%s\" while "
605  "previous declaration at %s:%d returns \"%s\".",
606  thisRetType.c_str(), overloadFunc->, overloadFunc->pos.first_line,
607  otherRetType.c_str());
608  return;
609  }
610  }
611  }
612  }
614  if (storageClass == SC_EXTERN_C) {
615  // Make sure the user hasn't supplied both an 'extern "C"' and a
616  // 'task' qualifier with the function
617  if (functionType->isTask) {
618  Error(pos,
619  "\"task\" qualifier is illegal with C-linkage extern "
620  "function \"%s\". Ignoring this function.",
621  name.c_str());
622  return;
623  }
625  std::vector<Symbol *> funcs;
626  symbolTable->LookupFunction(name.c_str(), &funcs);
627  if (funcs.size() > 0) {
628  if (funcs.size() > 1) {
629  // Multiple functions with this name have already been declared;
630  // can't overload here
631  Error(pos,
632  "Can't overload extern \"C\" function \"%s\"; "
633  "%d functions with the same name have already been declared.",
634  name.c_str(), (int)funcs.size());
635  return;
636  }
638  // One function with the same name has been declared; see if it
639  // has the same type as this one, in which case it's ok.
640  if (Type::Equal(funcs[0]->type, functionType))
641  return;
642  else {
643  Error(pos, "Can't overload extern \"C\" function \"%s\".", name.c_str());
644  return;
645  }
646  }
647  }
649  // Get the LLVM FunctionType
650  bool disableMask = (storageClass == SC_EXTERN_C);
651  llvm::FunctionType *llvmFunctionType = functionType->LLVMFunctionType(g->ctx, disableMask);
652  if (llvmFunctionType == NULL)
653  return;
655  // And create the llvm::Function
656  llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes linkage = (storageClass == SC_STATIC || isInline)
657  ? llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage
658  : llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage;
660  std::string functionName = name;
661  if (storageClass != SC_EXTERN_C) {
662  functionName += functionType->Mangle();
663  // If we treat generic as smth, we should have appropriate mangling
665  functionName += g->target->GetISAString();
666  }
667  }
668  llvm::Function *function = llvm::Function::Create(llvmFunctionType, linkage, functionName.c_str(), module);
670  if (g->target_os == TargetOS::windows) {
671  // Make export functions callable from DLLs.
672  if ((g->dllExport) && (storageClass != SC_STATIC)) {
673  function->setDLLStorageClass(llvm::GlobalValue::DLLExportStorageClass);
674  }
675  }
677  if (isNoInline && isInline) {
678  Error(pos, "Illegal to use \"noinline\" and \"inline\" qualifiers together on function \"%s\".", name.c_str());
679  return;
680  }
681  // Set function attributes: we never throw exceptions
682  function->setDoesNotThrow();
683  if (storageClass != SC_EXTERN_C && isInline) {
684  function->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::AlwaysInline);
685  }
687  if (isNoInline) {
688  function->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::NoInline);
689  }
691  if (functionType->isTask) {
692  // This also applies transitively to members I think?
693  function->addParamAttr(0, llvm::Attribute::NoAlias);
694  }
696  g->target->markFuncWithTargetAttr(function);
698  // Make sure that the return type isn't 'varying' or vector typed if
699  // the function is 'export'ed.
700  if (functionType->isExported && lRecursiveCheckValidParamType(functionType->GetReturnType(), false) == false)
701  Error(pos,
702  "Illegal to return a \"varying\" or vector type from "
703  "exported function \"%s\"",
704  name.c_str());
706  if (functionType->isTask && functionType->GetReturnType()->IsVoidType() == false)
707  Error(pos, "Task-qualified functions must have void return type.");
709  if (functionType->isExported || functionType->isExternC)
710  lCheckForStructParameters(functionType, pos);
712  // Loop over all of the arguments; process default values if present
713  // and do other checks and parameter attribute setting.
714  bool seenDefaultArg = false;
715  int nArgs = functionType->GetNumParameters();
716  for (int i = 0; i < nArgs; ++i) {
717  const Type *argType = functionType->GetParameterType(i);
718  const std::string &argName = functionType->GetParameterName(i);
719  Expr *defaultValue = functionType->GetParameterDefault(i);
720  const SourcePos &argPos = functionType->GetParameterSourcePos(i);
722  // If the function is exported, make sure that the parameter
723  // doesn't have any funky stuff going on in it.
724  // JCB nomosoa - Varying is now a-ok.
725  if (functionType->isExported) {
726  lCheckExportedParameterTypes(argType, argName, argPos);
727  }
729  // ISPC assumes that no pointers alias. (It should be possible to
730  // specify when this is not the case, but this should be the
731  // default.) Set parameter attributes accordingly. (Only for
732  // uniform pointers, since varying pointers are int vectors...)
733  if (!functionType->isTask && ((CastType<PointerType>(argType) != NULL && argType->IsUniformType() &&
734  // Exclude SOA argument because it is a pair {struct *, int}
735  // instead of pointer
736  !CastType<PointerType>(argType)->IsSlice()) ||
738  CastType<ReferenceType>(argType) != NULL)) {
740  function->addParamAttr(i, llvm::Attribute::NoAlias);
741 #if 0
742  int align = 4 * RoundUpPow2(g->target->nativeVectorWidth);
743  function->addAttribute(i+1, llvm::Attribute::constructAlignmentFromInt(align));
744 #endif
745  }
747  if (symbolTable->LookupFunction(argName.c_str()))
748  Warning(argPos,
749  "Function parameter \"%s\" shadows a function "
750  "declared in global scope.",
751  argName.c_str());
753  if (defaultValue != NULL)
754  seenDefaultArg = true;
755  else if (seenDefaultArg) {
756  // Once one parameter has provided a default value, then all of
757  // the following ones must have them as well.
758  Error(argPos,
759  "Parameter \"%s\" is missing default: all "
760  "parameters after the first parameter with a default value "
761  "must have default values as well.",
762  argName.c_str());
763  }
764  }
766  // If llvm gave us back a Function * with a different name than the one
767  // we asked for, then there's already a function with that same
768  // (mangled) name in the llvm::Module. In that case, erase the one we
769  // tried to add and just work with the one it already had.
770  if (function->getName() != functionName) {
771  function->eraseFromParent();
772  function = module->getFunction(functionName);
773  }
775  // Finally, we know all is good and we can add the function to the
776  // symbol table
777  Symbol *funSym = new Symbol(name, pos, functionType, storageClass);
778  funSym->function = function;
779  bool ok = symbolTable->AddFunction(funSym);
780  Assert(ok);
781 }
783 void Module::AddFunctionDefinition(const std::string &name, const FunctionType *type, Stmt *code) {
784  Symbol *sym = symbolTable->LookupFunction(name.c_str(), type);
785  if (sym == NULL || code == NULL) {
786  Assert(m->errorCount > 0);
787  return;
788  }
790  sym->pos = code->pos;
792  // FIXME: because we encode the parameter names in the function type,
793  // we need to override the function type here in case the function had
794  // earlier been declared with anonymous parameter names but is now
795  // defined with actual names. This is yet another reason we shouldn't
796  // include the names in FunctionType...
797  sym->type = type;
799  ast->AddFunction(sym, code);
800 }
802 void Module::AddExportedTypes(const std::vector<std::pair<const Type *, SourcePos>> &types) {
803  for (int i = 0; i < (int)types.size(); ++i) {
804  if (CastType<StructType>(types[i].first) == NULL && CastType<VectorType>(types[i].first) == NULL &&
805  CastType<EnumType>(types[i].first) == NULL)
806  Error(types[i].second,
807  "Only struct, vector, and enum types, "
808  "not \"%s\", are allowed in type export lists.",
809  types[i].first->GetString().c_str());
810  else
811  exportedTypes.push_back(types[i]);
812  }
813 }
815 bool Module::writeOutput(OutputType outputType, OutputFlags flags, const char *outFileName, const char *includeFileName,
816  const char *sourceFileName, DispatchHeaderInfo *DHI) {
817  if (diBuilder && (outputType != Header) && (outputType != Deps))
820  Assert(module);
822  // In LLVM_3_4 after r195494 and r195504 revisions we should pass
823  // "Debug Info Version" constant to the module. LLVM will ignore
824  // our Debug Info metadata without it.
825  if (g->generateDebuggingSymbols == true) {
826  module->addModuleFlag(llvm::Module::Warning, "Debug Info Version", llvm::DEBUG_METADATA_VERSION);
827  }
829  // SIC! (verifyModule() == TRUE) means "failed", see llvm-link code.
830  if ((outputType != Header) && (outputType != Deps) && (outputType != HostStub) && (outputType != DevStub) &&
831  llvm::verifyModule(*module)) {
832  FATAL("Resulting module verification failed!");
833  }
835  if (outFileName) {
836  // First, issue a warning if the output file suffix and the type of
837  // file being created seem to mismatch. This can help catch missing
838  // command-line arguments specifying the output file type.
839  const char *suffix = strrchr(outFileName, '.');
840  if (suffix != NULL) {
841  ++suffix;
842  const char *fileType = NULL;
843  switch (outputType) {
844  case Asm:
845  if (strcasecmp(suffix, "s"))
846  fileType = "assembly";
847  break;
848  case Bitcode:
849  if (strcasecmp(suffix, "bc"))
850  fileType = "LLVM bitcode";
851  break;
852  case BitcodeText:
853  if (strcasecmp(suffix, "ll"))
854  fileType = "LLVM assembly";
855  break;
856  case Object:
857  if (strcasecmp(suffix, "o") && strcasecmp(suffix, "obj"))
858  fileType = "object";
859  break;
860  case CXX:
861  if (strcasecmp(suffix, "c") && strcasecmp(suffix, "cc") && strcasecmp(suffix, "c++") &&
862  strcasecmp(suffix, "cxx") && strcasecmp(suffix, "cpp"))
863  fileType = "c++";
864  break;
865  case Header:
866  if (strcasecmp(suffix, "h") && strcasecmp(suffix, "hh") && strcasecmp(suffix, "hpp"))
867  fileType = "header";
868  break;
869  case Deps:
870  break;
871  case DevStub:
872  if (strcasecmp(suffix, "c") && strcasecmp(suffix, "cc") && strcasecmp(suffix, "c++") &&
873  strcasecmp(suffix, "cxx") && strcasecmp(suffix, "cpp"))
874  fileType = "dev-side offload stub";
875  break;
876  case HostStub:
877  if (strcasecmp(suffix, "c") && strcasecmp(suffix, "cc") && strcasecmp(suffix, "c++") &&
878  strcasecmp(suffix, "cxx") && strcasecmp(suffix, "cpp"))
879  fileType = "host-side offload stub";
880  break;
881  default:
882  Assert(0 /* swtich case not handled */);
883  return 1;
884  }
885  if (fileType != NULL)
886  Warning(SourcePos(),
887  "Emitting %s file, but filename \"%s\" "
888  "has suffix \"%s\"?",
889  fileType, outFileName, suffix);
890  }
891  }
892  if (outputType == Header) {
893  if (DHI)
894  return writeDispatchHeader(DHI);
895  else
896  return writeHeader(outFileName);
897  } else if (outputType == Deps)
898  return writeDeps(outFileName, 0 != (flags & GenerateMakeRuleForDeps), includeFileName, sourceFileName);
899  else if (outputType == HostStub)
900  return writeHostStub(outFileName);
901  else if (outputType == DevStub)
902  return writeDevStub(outFileName);
903  else if ((outputType == Bitcode) || (outputType == BitcodeText))
904  return writeBitcode(module, outFileName, outputType);
905  else if (outputType == CXX) {
906  if (g->target->getISA() != Target::GENERIC) {
907  Error(SourcePos(), "Only \"generic-*\" targets can be used with "
908  "C++ emission.");
909  return false;
910  }
911  extern bool WriteCXXFile(llvm::Module * module, const char *fn, int vectorWidth, const char *includeName);
912  return WriteCXXFile(module, outFileName, g->target->getVectorWidth(), includeFileName);
913  } else
914  return writeObjectFileOrAssembly(outputType, outFileName);
915 }
917 bool Module::writeBitcode(llvm::Module *module, const char *outFileName, OutputType outputType) {
918  // Get a file descriptor corresponding to where we want the output to
919  // go. If we open it, it'll be closed by the llvm::raw_fd_ostream
920  // destructor.
921  int fd;
922  if (!strcmp(outFileName, "-"))
923  fd = 1; // stdout
924  else {
925  int flags = O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC;
927  flags |= O_BINARY;
928  fd = _open(outFileName, flags, 0644);
929 #else
930  fd = open(outFileName, flags, 0644);
931 #endif // ISPC_HOST_IS_WINDOWS
932  if (fd == -1) {
933  perror(outFileName);
934  return false;
935  }
936  }
938  llvm::raw_fd_ostream fos(fd, (fd != 1), false);
939  if (outputType == Bitcode)
941  llvm::WriteBitcodeToFile(module, fos);
942 #else
943  llvm::WriteBitcodeToFile(*module, fos);
944 #endif
945  else if (outputType == BitcodeText)
946  module->print(fos, nullptr);
947  return true;
948 }
950 bool Module::writeObjectFileOrAssembly(OutputType outputType, const char *outFileName) {
951  llvm::TargetMachine *targetMachine = g->target->GetTargetMachine();
952  return writeObjectFileOrAssembly(targetMachine, module, outputType, outFileName);
953 }
955 bool Module::writeObjectFileOrAssembly(llvm::TargetMachine *targetMachine, llvm::Module *module, OutputType outputType,
956  const char *outFileName) {
957  // Figure out if we're generating object file or assembly output, and
958  // set binary output for object files
960  llvm::TargetMachine::CodeGenFileType fileType =
961  (outputType == Object) ? llvm::TargetMachine::CGFT_ObjectFile : llvm::TargetMachine::CGFT_AssemblyFile;
962  bool binary = (fileType == llvm::TargetMachine::CGFT_ObjectFile);
963 #else // LLVM 10.0+
964  llvm::CodeGenFileType fileType = (outputType == Object) ? llvm::CGFT_ObjectFile : llvm::CGFT_AssemblyFile;
965  bool binary = (fileType == llvm::CGFT_ObjectFile);
966 #endif
968  llvm::sys::fs::OpenFlags flags = binary ? llvm::sys::fs::F_None : llvm::sys::fs::F_Text;
970  std::error_code error;
972  std::unique_ptr<llvm::ToolOutputFile> of(new llvm::ToolOutputFile(outFileName, error, flags));
974  if (error) {
975  Error(SourcePos(), "Cannot open output file \"%s\".\n", outFileName);
976  return false;
977  }
979  llvm::legacy::PassManager pm;
981  {
982  llvm::raw_fd_ostream &fos(of->os());
984  if (targetMachine->addPassesToEmitFile(pm, fos, fileType)) {
985  FATAL("Failed to add passes to emit object file!");
986  }
987 #else // LLVM 7.0+
988  // Third parameter is for generation of .dwo file, which is separate DWARF
989  // file for ELF targets. We don't support it currently.
990  if (targetMachine->addPassesToEmitFile(pm, fos, nullptr, fileType)) {
991  FATAL("Failed to add passes to emit object file!");
992  }
993 #endif
995  // Finally, run the passes to emit the object file/assembly
998  // Success; tell tool_output_file to keep the final output file.
999  of->keep();
1000  }
1001  return true;
1002 }
1004 /** Given a pointer to an element of a structure, see if it is a struct
1005  type or an array of a struct type. If so, return a pointer to the
1006  underlying struct type. */
1007 static const StructType *lGetElementStructType(const Type *t) {
1008  const StructType *st = CastType<StructType>(t);
1009  if (st != NULL)
1010  return st;
1012  const ArrayType *at = CastType<ArrayType>(t);
1013  if (at != NULL)
1014  return lGetElementStructType(at->GetElementType());
1016  return NULL;
1017 }
1019 static bool lContainsPtrToVarying(const StructType *st) {
1020  int numElts = st->GetElementCount();
1022  for (int j = 0; j < numElts; ++j) {
1023  const Type *t = st->GetElementType(j);
1025  if (t->IsVaryingType())
1026  return true;
1027  }
1029  return false;
1030 }
1032 /** Emits a declaration for the given struct to the given file. This
1033  function first makes sure that declarations for any structs that are
1034  (recursively) members of this struct are emitted first.
1035  */
1036 static void lEmitStructDecl(const StructType *st, std::vector<const StructType *> *emittedStructs, FILE *file,
1037  bool emitUnifs = true) {
1039  // if we're emitting this for a generic dispatch header file and it's
1040  // struct that only contains uniforms, don't bother if we're emitting uniforms
1041  if (!emitUnifs && !lContainsPtrToVarying(st)) {
1042  return;
1043  }
1045  // Has this struct type already been declared? (This happens if it's a
1046  // member of another struct for which we emitted a declaration
1047  // previously.)
1048  for (int i = 0; i < (int)emittedStructs->size(); ++i)
1049  if (Type::EqualIgnoringConst(st, (*emittedStructs)[i]))
1050  return;
1052  // Otherwise first make sure any contained structs have been declared.
1053  for (int i = 0; i < st->GetElementCount(); ++i) {
1054  const StructType *elementStructType = lGetElementStructType(st->GetElementType(i));
1055  if (elementStructType != NULL)
1056  lEmitStructDecl(elementStructType, emittedStructs, file, emitUnifs);
1057  }
1059  // And now it's safe to declare this one
1060  emittedStructs->push_back(st);
1062  fprintf(file, "#ifndef __ISPC_STRUCT_%s__\n", st->GetCStructName().c_str());
1063  fprintf(file, "#define __ISPC_STRUCT_%s__\n", st->GetCStructName().c_str());
1065  char sSOA[48];
1066  bool pack, needsAlign = false;
1067  llvm::Type *stype = st->LLVMType(g->ctx);
1068  const llvm::DataLayout *DL = g->target->getDataLayout();
1070  if (!(pack = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(stype)->isPacked()))
1071  for (int i = 0; !needsAlign && (i < st->GetElementCount()); ++i) {
1072  const Type *ftype = st->GetElementType(i)->GetAsNonConstType();
1073  needsAlign |= ftype->IsVaryingType() && (CastType<StructType>(ftype) == NULL);
1074  }
1075  if (st->GetSOAWidth() > 0)
1076  // This has to match the naming scheme in
1077  // StructType::GetCDeclaration().
1078  snprintf(sSOA, sizeof(sSOA), "_SOA%d", st->GetSOAWidth());
1079  else
1080  *sSOA = '\0';
1081  if (!needsAlign)
1082  fprintf(file, "%sstruct %s%s {\n", (pack) ? "packed " : "", st->GetCStructName().c_str(), sSOA);
1083  else {
1084  unsigned uABI = DL->getABITypeAlignment(stype);
1085  fprintf(file, "__ISPC_ALIGNED_STRUCT__(%u) %s%s {\n", uABI, st->GetCStructName().c_str(), sSOA);
1086  }
1087  for (int i = 0; i < st->GetElementCount(); ++i) {
1088  const Type *ftype = st->GetElementType(i)->GetAsNonConstType();
1089  std::string d = ftype->GetCDeclaration(st->GetElementName(i));
1091  fprintf(file, " ");
1092  if (needsAlign && ftype->IsVaryingType() && (CastType<StructType>(ftype) == NULL)) {
1093  unsigned uABI = DL->getABITypeAlignment(ftype->LLVMType(g->ctx));
1094  fprintf(file, "__ISPC_ALIGN__(%u) ", uABI);
1095  }
1096  // Don't expand arrays, pointers and structures:
1097  // their insides will be expanded automatically.
1098  if (!ftype->IsArrayType() && !ftype->IsPointerType() && ftype->IsVaryingType() &&
1099  (CastType<StructType>(ftype) == NULL)) {
1100  fprintf(file, "%s[%d];\n", d.c_str(), g->target->getVectorWidth());
1101  } else {
1102  fprintf(file, "%s;\n", d.c_str());
1103  }
1104  }
1105  fprintf(file, "};\n");
1106  fprintf(file, "#endif\n\n");
1107 }
1109 /** Given a set of structures that we want to print C declarations of in a
1110  header file, emit their declarations.
1111  */
1112 static void lEmitStructDecls(std::vector<const StructType *> &structTypes, FILE *file, bool emitUnifs = true) {
1113  std::vector<const StructType *> emittedStructs;
1115  fprintf(file, "\n#ifndef __ISPC_ALIGN__\n"
1116  "#if defined(__clang__) || !defined(_MSC_VER)\n"
1117  "// Clang, GCC, ICC\n"
1118  "#define __ISPC_ALIGN__(s) __attribute__((aligned(s)))\n"
1119  "#define __ISPC_ALIGNED_STRUCT__(s) struct __ISPC_ALIGN__(s)\n"
1120  "#else\n"
1121  "// Visual Studio\n"
1122  "#define __ISPC_ALIGN__(s) __declspec(align(s))\n"
1123  "#define __ISPC_ALIGNED_STRUCT__(s) __ISPC_ALIGN__(s) struct\n"
1124  "#endif\n"
1125  "#endif\n\n");
1127  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < structTypes.size(); ++i)
1128  lEmitStructDecl(structTypes[i], &emittedStructs, file, emitUnifs);
1129 }
1131 /** Emit C declarations of enumerator types to the generated header file.
1132  */
1133 static void lEmitEnumDecls(const std::vector<const EnumType *> &enumTypes, FILE *file) {
1134  if (enumTypes.size() == 0)
1135  return;
1137  fprintf(file, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1138  fprintf(file, "// Enumerator types with external visibility from ispc code\n");
1139  fprintf(file, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n");
1141  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < enumTypes.size(); ++i) {
1142  fprintf(file, "#ifndef __ISPC_ENUM_%s__\n", enumTypes[i]->GetEnumName().c_str());
1143  fprintf(file, "#define __ISPC_ENUM_%s__\n", enumTypes[i]->GetEnumName().c_str());
1144  std::string declaration = enumTypes[i]->GetCDeclaration("");
1145  fprintf(file, "%s {\n", declaration.c_str());
1147  // Print the individual enumerators
1148  for (int j = 0; j < enumTypes[i]->GetEnumeratorCount(); ++j) {
1149  const Symbol *e = enumTypes[i]->GetEnumerator(j);
1150  Assert(e->constValue != NULL);
1151  unsigned int enumValue;
1152  int count = e->constValue->GetValues(&enumValue);
1153  Assert(count == 1);
1155  // Always print an initializer to set the value. We could be
1156  // 'clever' here and detect whether the implicit value given by
1157  // one plus the previous enumerator value (or zero, for the
1158  // first enumerator) is the same as the value stored with the
1159  // enumerator, though that doesn't seem worth the trouble...
1160  fprintf(file, " %s = %d%c\n", e->name.c_str(), enumValue,
1161  (j < enumTypes[i]->GetEnumeratorCount() - 1) ? ',' : ' ');
1162  }
1163  fprintf(file, "};\n");
1164  fprintf(file, "#endif\n\n");
1165  }
1166 }
1168 /** Print declarations of VectorTypes used in 'export'ed parts of the
1169  program in the header file.
1170  */
1171 static void lEmitVectorTypedefs(const std::vector<const VectorType *> &types, FILE *file) {
1172  if (types.size() == 0)
1173  return;
1175  fprintf(file, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1176  fprintf(file, "// Vector types with external visibility from ispc code\n");
1177  fprintf(file, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n");
1179  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i) {
1180  std::string baseDecl;
1181  const VectorType *vt = types[i]->GetAsNonConstType();
1182  if (!vt->IsUniformType())
1183  // Varying stuff shouldn't be visibile to / used by the
1184  // application, so at least make it not simple to access it by
1185  // not declaring the type here...
1186  continue;
1188  int size = vt->GetElementCount();
1190  llvm::Type *ty = vt->LLVMType(g->ctx);
1191  int align = g->target->getDataLayout()->getABITypeAlignment(ty);
1192  baseDecl = vt->GetBaseType()->GetCDeclaration("");
1193  fprintf(file, "#ifndef __ISPC_VECTOR_%s%d__\n", baseDecl.c_str(), size);
1194  fprintf(file, "#define __ISPC_VECTOR_%s%d__\n", baseDecl.c_str(), size);
1195  fprintf(file, "#ifdef _MSC_VER\n__declspec( align(%d) ) ", align);
1196  fprintf(file, "struct %s%d { %s v[%d]; };\n", baseDecl.c_str(), size, baseDecl.c_str(), size);
1197  fprintf(file, "#else\n");
1198  fprintf(file, "struct %s%d { %s v[%d]; } __attribute__ ((aligned(%d)));\n", baseDecl.c_str(), size,
1199  baseDecl.c_str(), size, align);
1200  fprintf(file, "#endif\n");
1201  fprintf(file, "#endif\n\n");
1202  }
1203  fprintf(file, "\n");
1204 }
1206 /** Add the given type to the vector, if that type isn't already in there.
1207  */
1208 template <typename T> static void lAddTypeIfNew(const Type *type, std::vector<const T *> *exportedTypes) {
1209  type = type->GetAsNonConstType();
1211  // Linear search, so this ends up being n^2. It's unlikely this will
1212  // matter in practice, though.
1213  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < exportedTypes->size(); ++i)
1214  if (Type::Equal((*exportedTypes)[i], type))
1215  return;
1217  const T *castType = CastType<T>(type);
1218  Assert(castType != NULL);
1219  exportedTypes->push_back(castType);
1220 }
1222 /** Given an arbitrary type that appears in the app/ispc interface, add it
1223  to an appropriate vector if it is a struct, enum, or short vector type.
1224  Then, if it's a struct, recursively process its members to do the same.
1225  */
1226 static void lGetExportedTypes(const Type *type, std::vector<const StructType *> *exportedStructTypes,
1227  std::vector<const EnumType *> *exportedEnumTypes,
1228  std::vector<const VectorType *> *exportedVectorTypes) {
1229  const ArrayType *arrayType = CastType<ArrayType>(type);
1230  const StructType *structType = CastType<StructType>(type);
1231  const FunctionType *ftype = CastType<FunctionType>(type);
1233  if (CastType<ReferenceType>(type) != NULL)
1234  lGetExportedTypes(type->GetReferenceTarget(), exportedStructTypes, exportedEnumTypes, exportedVectorTypes);
1235  else if (CastType<PointerType>(type) != NULL)
1236  lGetExportedTypes(type->GetBaseType(), exportedStructTypes, exportedEnumTypes, exportedVectorTypes);
1237  else if (arrayType != NULL)
1238  lGetExportedTypes(arrayType->GetElementType(), exportedStructTypes, exportedEnumTypes, exportedVectorTypes);
1239  else if (structType != NULL) {
1240  lAddTypeIfNew(type, exportedStructTypes);
1241  for (int i = 0; i < structType->GetElementCount(); ++i)
1242  lGetExportedTypes(structType->GetElementType(i), exportedStructTypes, exportedEnumTypes,
1243  exportedVectorTypes);
1244  } else if (CastType<UndefinedStructType>(type) != NULL)
1245  // do nothing
1246  ;
1247  else if (CastType<EnumType>(type) != NULL)
1248  lAddTypeIfNew(type, exportedEnumTypes);
1249  else if (CastType<VectorType>(type) != NULL)
1250  lAddTypeIfNew(type, exportedVectorTypes);
1251  else if (ftype != NULL) {
1252  // Handle Return Types
1253  lGetExportedTypes(ftype->GetReturnType(), exportedStructTypes, exportedEnumTypes, exportedVectorTypes);
1255  // And now the parameter types...
1256  for (int j = 0; j < ftype->GetNumParameters(); ++j)
1257  lGetExportedTypes(ftype->GetParameterType(j), exportedStructTypes, exportedEnumTypes, exportedVectorTypes);
1258  } else
1259  Assert(CastType<AtomicType>(type) != NULL);
1260 }
1262 /** Given a set of functions, return the set of structure and vector types
1263  present in the parameters to them.
1264  */
1265 static void lGetExportedParamTypes(const std::vector<Symbol *> &funcs,
1266  std::vector<const StructType *> *exportedStructTypes,
1267  std::vector<const EnumType *> *exportedEnumTypes,
1268  std::vector<const VectorType *> *exportedVectorTypes) {
1269  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < funcs.size(); ++i) {
1270  const FunctionType *ftype = CastType<FunctionType>(funcs[i]->type);
1271  Assert(ftype != NULL);
1273  // Handle the return type
1274  lGetExportedTypes(ftype->GetReturnType(), exportedStructTypes, exportedEnumTypes, exportedVectorTypes);
1276  // And now the parameter types...
1277  for (int j = 0; j < ftype->GetNumParameters(); ++j) {
1278  lGetExportedTypes(ftype->GetParameterType(j), exportedStructTypes, exportedEnumTypes, exportedVectorTypes);
1279  }
1280  }
1281 }
1283 static void lPrintFunctionDeclarations(FILE *file, const std::vector<Symbol *> &funcs, bool useExternC = 1,
1284  bool rewriteForDispatch = false) {
1285  if (useExternC)
1286  fprintf(file, "#if defined(__cplusplus) && (! defined(__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C) || !__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C )\nextern "
1287  "\"C\" {\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1288  // fprintf(file, "#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1289  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < funcs.size(); ++i) {
1290  const FunctionType *ftype = CastType<FunctionType>(funcs[i]->type);
1291  Assert(ftype);
1292  std::string decl;
1293  if (rewriteForDispatch) {
1294  decl = ftype->GetCDeclarationForDispatch(funcs[i]->name);
1295  } else {
1296  decl = ftype->GetCDeclaration(funcs[i]->name);
1297  }
1298  fprintf(file, " extern %s;\n", decl.c_str());
1299  }
1300  if (useExternC)
1302  fprintf(file, "#if defined(__cplusplus) && (! defined(__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C) || !__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C )\n} /* end "
1303  "extern C */\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1304  // fprintf(file, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n} /* end extern C */\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1305 }
1307 static bool lIsExported(const Symbol *sym) {
1308  const FunctionType *ft = CastType<FunctionType>(sym->type);
1309  Assert(ft);
1310  return ft->isExported;
1311 }
1313 static bool lIsExternC(const Symbol *sym) {
1314  const FunctionType *ft = CastType<FunctionType>(sym->type);
1315  Assert(ft);
1316  return ft->isExternC;
1317 }
1319 static void lUnescapeStringInPlace(std::string &str) {
1320  // There are many more escape sequences, but since this is a path,
1321  // we can get away with only supporting the basic ones (i.e. no
1322  // octal, hexadecimal or unicode values).
1323  for (std::string::iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) {
1324  size_t pos = it - str.begin();
1325  std::string::iterator next = it + 1;
1326  if (*it == '\\' && next != str.end()) {
1327  switch (*next) {
1328 #define UNESCAPE_SEQ(c, esc) \
1329  case c: \
1330  *it = esc; \
1331  str.erase(next); \
1332  it = str.begin() + pos; \
1333  break
1334  UNESCAPE_SEQ('\'', '\'');
1335  UNESCAPE_SEQ('?', '?');
1336  UNESCAPE_SEQ('\\', '\\');
1337  UNESCAPE_SEQ('a', '\a');
1338  UNESCAPE_SEQ('b', '\b');
1339  UNESCAPE_SEQ('f', '\f');
1340  UNESCAPE_SEQ('n', '\n');
1341  UNESCAPE_SEQ('r', '\r');
1342  UNESCAPE_SEQ('t', '\t');
1343  UNESCAPE_SEQ('v', '\v');
1344 #undef UNESCAPE_SEQ
1345  }
1346  }
1347  }
1348 }
1350 bool Module::writeDeps(const char *fn, bool generateMakeRule, const char *tn, const char *sn) {
1351  if (fn && g->debugPrint) { // We may be passed nullptr for stdout output.
1352  printf("\nWriting dependencies to file %s\n", fn);
1353  }
1354  FILE *file = fn ? fopen(fn, "w") : stdout;
1355  if (!file) {
1356  perror("fopen");
1357  return false;
1358  }
1360  if (generateMakeRule) {
1361  fprintf(file, "%s:", tn);
1362  // Rules always emit source first.
1363  if (sn && !IsStdin(sn)) {
1364  fprintf(file, " %s", sn);
1365  }
1366  std::string unescaped;
1368  for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = registeredDependencies.begin();
1369  it != registeredDependencies.end(); ++it) {
1370  unescaped = *it; // As this is preprocessor output, paths come escaped.
1371  lUnescapeStringInPlace(unescaped);
1372  if (sn && !IsStdin(sn) &&
1373  0 == strcmp(sn, unescaped.c_str())) // If source has been passed, it's already emitted.
1374  continue;
1375  fprintf(file, " \\\n");
1376  fprintf(file, " %s", unescaped.c_str());
1377  }
1378  fprintf(file, "\n");
1379  } else {
1380  for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = registeredDependencies.begin();
1381  it != registeredDependencies.end(); ++it)
1382  fprintf(file, "%s\n", it->c_str());
1383  }
1384  fclose(file);
1385  return true;
1386 }
1388 std::string emitOffloadParamStruct(const std::string &paramStructName, const Symbol *sym, const FunctionType *fct) {
1389  std::stringstream out;
1390  out << "struct " << paramStructName << " {" << std::endl;
1392  for (int i = 0; i < fct->GetNumParameters(); i++) {
1393  const Type *orgParamType = fct->GetParameterType(i);
1394  if (orgParamType->IsPointerType() || orgParamType->IsArrayType()) {
1395  /* we're passing pointers separately -- no pointers in that struct... */
1396  continue;
1397  }
1399  // const reference parameters can be passed as copies.
1400  const Type *paramType;
1401  if (orgParamType->IsReferenceType()) {
1402  if (!orgParamType->IsConstType()) {
1403  Error(sym->pos, "When emitting offload-stubs, \"export\"ed functions cannot have non-const "
1404  "reference-type parameters.\n");
1405  }
1406  const ReferenceType *refType = static_cast<const ReferenceType *>(orgParamType);
1407  paramType = refType->GetReferenceTarget()->GetAsNonConstType();
1408  } else {
1409  paramType = orgParamType->GetAsNonConstType();
1410  }
1411  std::string paramName = fct->GetParameterName(i);
1412  std::string paramTypeName = paramType->GetString();
1414  std::string tmpArgDecl = paramType->GetCDeclaration(paramName);
1415  out << " " << tmpArgDecl << ";" << std::endl;
1416  }
1418  out << "};" << std::endl;
1419  return out.str();
1420 }
1422 bool Module::writeDevStub(const char *fn) {
1423  FILE *file = fopen(fn, "w");
1424  if (!file) {
1425  perror("fopen");
1426  return false;
1427  }
1428  fprintf(file, "//\n// %s\n// (device stubs automatically generated by the ispc compiler.)\n", fn);
1429  fprintf(file, "// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.\n//\n\n");
1430  fprintf(file, "#include \"ispc/dev/offload.h\"\n\n");
1432  fprintf(file, "#include <stdint.h>\n\n");
1434  // Collect single linear arrays of the *exported* functions (we'll
1435  // treat those as "__kernel"s in IVL -- "extern" functions will only
1436  // be used for dev-dev function calls; only "export" functions will
1437  // get exported to the host
1438  std::vector<Symbol *> exportedFuncs;
1439  m->symbolTable->GetMatchingFunctions(lIsExported, &exportedFuncs);
1441  // Get all of the struct, vector, and enumerant types used as function
1442  // parameters. These vectors may have repeats.
1443  std::vector<const StructType *> exportedStructTypes;
1444  std::vector<const EnumType *> exportedEnumTypes;
1445  std::vector<const VectorType *> exportedVectorTypes;
1446  lGetExportedParamTypes(exportedFuncs, &exportedStructTypes, &exportedEnumTypes, &exportedVectorTypes);
1448  // And print them
1449  lEmitVectorTypedefs(exportedVectorTypes, file);
1450  lEmitEnumDecls(exportedEnumTypes, file);
1451  lEmitStructDecls(exportedStructTypes, file);
1453  fprintf(file, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
1454  fprintf(file, "namespace ispc {\n");
1455  fprintf(file, "#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1457  fprintf(file, "\n");
1458  fprintf(file, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1459  fprintf(file, "// Functions exported from ispc code\n");
1460  fprintf(file, "// (so the dev stub knows what to call)\n");
1461  fprintf(file, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1462  lPrintFunctionDeclarations(file, exportedFuncs, true);
1464  fprintf(file, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
1465  fprintf(file, "}/* end namespace */\n");
1466  fprintf(file, "#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1468  fprintf(file, "\n");
1469  fprintf(file, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1470  fprintf(file, "// actual dev stubs\n");
1471  fprintf(file, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1473  fprintf(file, "// note(iw): due to some linking issues offload stubs *only* work under C++\n");
1474  fprintf(file, "extern \"C\" {\n\n");
1475  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < exportedFuncs.size(); ++i) {
1476  const Symbol *sym = exportedFuncs[i];
1477  Assert(sym);
1478  const FunctionType *fct = CastType<FunctionType>(sym->type);
1479  Assert(fct);
1481  if (!fct->GetReturnType()->IsVoidType()) {
1482  // Error(sym->pos,"When emitting offload-stubs, \"export\"ed functions cannot have non-void return
1483  // types.\n");
1484  Warning(sym->pos,
1485  "When emitting offload-stubs, ignoring \"export\"ed function with non-void return types.\n");
1486  continue;
1487  }
1489  // -------------------------------------------------------
1490  // first, emit a struct that holds the parameters
1491  // -------------------------------------------------------
1492  std::string paramStructName = std::string("__ispc_dev_stub_") + sym->name;
1493  std::string paramStruct = emitOffloadParamStruct(paramStructName, sym, fct);
1494  fprintf(file, "%s\n", paramStruct.c_str());
1495  // -------------------------------------------------------
1496  // then, emit a fct stub that unpacks the parameters and pointers
1497  // -------------------------------------------------------
1498  fprintf(file,
1499  "void __ispc_dev_stub_%s(\n"
1500  " uint32_t in_BufferCount,\n"
1501  " void** in_ppBufferPointers,\n"
1502  " uint64_t* in_pBufferLengths,\n"
1503  " void* in_pMiscData,\n"
1504  " uint16_t in_MiscDataLength,\n"
1505  " void* in_pReturnValue,\n"
1506  " uint16_t in_ReturnValueLength)\n",
1507  sym->name.c_str());
1508  fprintf(file, "{\n");
1509  fprintf(file, " struct %s args;\n memcpy(&args,in_pMiscData,sizeof(args));\n", paramStructName.c_str());
1510  std::stringstream funcall;
1512  funcall << "ispc::" << sym->name << "(";
1513  for (int i = 0; i < fct->GetNumParameters(); i++) {
1514  // get param type and make it non-const, so we can write while unpacking
1515  // const Type *paramType = fct->GetParameterType(i)->GetAsNonConstType();
1516  const Type *paramType; // = fct->GetParameterType(i)->GetAsNonConstType();
1517  const Type *orgParamType = fct->GetParameterType(i);
1518  if (orgParamType->IsReferenceType()) {
1519  if (!orgParamType->IsConstType()) {
1520  Error(sym->pos, "When emitting offload-stubs, \"export\"ed functions cannot have non-const "
1521  "reference-type parameters.\n");
1522  }
1523  const ReferenceType *refType = static_cast<const ReferenceType *>(orgParamType);
1524  paramType = refType->GetReferenceTarget()->GetAsNonConstType();
1525  } else {
1526  paramType = orgParamType->GetAsNonConstType();
1527  }
1529  std::string paramName = fct->GetParameterName(i);
1530  std::string paramTypeName = paramType->GetString();
1532  if (i)
1533  funcall << ", ";
1534  std::string tmpArgName = std::string("_") + paramName;
1535  if (paramType->IsPointerType() || paramType->IsArrayType()) {
1536  std::string tmpArgDecl = paramType->GetCDeclaration(tmpArgName);
1537  fprintf(file, " %s;\n", tmpArgDecl.c_str());
1538  fprintf(file, " (void *&)%s = ispc_dev_translate_pointer(*in_ppBufferPointers++);\n",
1539  tmpArgName.c_str());
1540  funcall << tmpArgName;
1541  } else {
1542  funcall << "args." << paramName;
1543  }
1544  }
1545  funcall << ");";
1546  fprintf(file, " %s\n", funcall.str().c_str());
1547  fprintf(file, "}\n\n");
1548  }
1550  // end extern "C"
1551  fprintf(file, "}/* end extern C */\n");
1553  fclose(file);
1554  return true;
1555 }
1557 bool Module::writeHostStub(const char *fn) {
1558  FILE *file = fopen(fn, "w");
1559  if (!file) {
1560  perror("fopen");
1561  return false;
1562  }
1563  fprintf(file, "//\n// %s\n// (device stubs automatically generated by the ispc compiler.)\n", fn);
1564  fprintf(file, "// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.\n//\n\n");
1565  fprintf(file, "#include \"ispc/host/offload.h\"\n\n");
1566  fprintf(
1567  file,
1568  "// note(iw): Host stubs do not get extern C linkage -- dev-side already uses that for the same symbols.\n\n");
1569  // fprintf(file,"#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1571  fprintf(file, "#ifdef __cplusplus\nnamespace ispc {\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n");
1573  // Collect single linear arrays of the *exported* functions (we'll
1574  // treat those as "__kernel"s in IVL -- "extern" functions will only
1575  // be used for dev-dev function calls; only "export" functions will
1576  // get exported to the host
1577  std::vector<Symbol *> exportedFuncs;
1578  m->symbolTable->GetMatchingFunctions(lIsExported, &exportedFuncs);
1580  // Get all of the struct, vector, and enumerant types used as function
1581  // parameters. These vectors may have repeats.
1582  std::vector<const StructType *> exportedStructTypes;
1583  std::vector<const EnumType *> exportedEnumTypes;
1584  std::vector<const VectorType *> exportedVectorTypes;
1585  lGetExportedParamTypes(exportedFuncs, &exportedStructTypes, &exportedEnumTypes, &exportedVectorTypes);
1587  // And print them
1588  lEmitVectorTypedefs(exportedVectorTypes, file);
1589  lEmitEnumDecls(exportedEnumTypes, file);
1590  lEmitStructDecls(exportedStructTypes, file);
1592  fprintf(file, "\n");
1593  fprintf(file, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1594  fprintf(file, "// host-side stubs for dev-side ISPC fucntion(s)\n");
1595  fprintf(file, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1596  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < exportedFuncs.size(); ++i) {
1597  const Symbol *sym = exportedFuncs[i];
1598  Assert(sym);
1599  const FunctionType *fct = CastType<FunctionType>(sym->type);
1600  Assert(fct);
1602  if (!fct->GetReturnType()->IsVoidType()) {
1603  Warning(sym->pos,
1604  "When emitting offload-stubs, ignoring \"export\"ed function with non-void return types.\n");
1605  continue;
1606  }
1608  // -------------------------------------------------------
1609  // first, emit a struct that holds the parameters
1610  // -------------------------------------------------------
1611  std::string paramStructName = std::string("__ispc_dev_stub_") + sym->name;
1612  std::string paramStruct = emitOffloadParamStruct(paramStructName, sym, fct);
1613  fprintf(file, "%s\n", paramStruct.c_str());
1614  // -------------------------------------------------------
1615  // then, emit a fct stub that unpacks the parameters and pointers
1616  // -------------------------------------------------------
1618  std::string decl = fct->GetCDeclaration(sym->name);
1619  fprintf(file, "extern %s {\n", decl.c_str());
1620  int numPointers = 0;
1621  fprintf(file, " %s __args;\n", paramStructName.c_str());
1623  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
1624  // write args, and save pointers for later
1625  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
1626  std::stringstream pointerArgs;
1627  for (int i = 0; i < fct->GetNumParameters(); i++) {
1628  const Type *orgParamType = fct->GetParameterType(i);
1629  std::string paramName = fct->GetParameterName(i);
1630  if (orgParamType->IsPointerType() || orgParamType->IsArrayType()) {
1631  /* we're passing pointers separately -- no pointers in that struct... */
1632  if (numPointers)
1633  pointerArgs << ",";
1634  pointerArgs << "(void*)" << paramName;
1635  numPointers++;
1636  continue;
1637  }
1639  fprintf(file, " __args.%s = %s;\n", paramName.c_str(), paramName.c_str());
1640  }
1641  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
1642  // writer pointer list
1643  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
1644  if (numPointers == 0)
1645  pointerArgs << "NULL";
1646  fprintf(file, " void *ptr_args[] = { %s };\n", pointerArgs.str().c_str());
1648  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
1649  // ... and call the kernel with those args
1650  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
1651  fprintf(file, " static ispc_kernel_handle_t kernel_handle = NULL;\n");
1652  fprintf(file, " if (!kernel_handle) kernel_handle = ispc_host_get_kernel_handle(\"__ispc_dev_stub_%s\");\n",
1653  sym->name.c_str());
1654  fprintf(file, " assert(kernel_handle);\n");
1655  fprintf(file,
1656  " ispc_host_call_kernel(kernel_handle,\n"
1657  " &__args, sizeof(__args),\n"
1658  " ptr_args,%i);\n",
1659  numPointers);
1660  fprintf(file, "}\n\n");
1661  }
1663  // end extern "C"
1664  fprintf(file, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
1665  fprintf(file, "}/* namespace */\n");
1666  fprintf(file, "#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1667  // fprintf(file, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
1668  // fprintf(file, "}/* end extern C */\n");
1669  // fprintf(file, "#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1671  fclose(file);
1672  return true;
1673 }
1675 bool Module::writeHeader(const char *fn) {
1676  FILE *f = fopen(fn, "w");
1677  if (!f) {
1678  perror("fopen");
1679  return false;
1680  }
1681  fprintf(f, "//\n// %s\n// (Header automatically generated by the ispc compiler.)\n", fn);
1682  fprintf(f, "// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.\n//\n\n");
1684  // Create a nice guard string from the filename, turning any
1685  // non-number/letter characters into underbars
1686  std::string guard = "ISPC_";
1687  const char *p = fn;
1688  while (*p) {
1689  if (isdigit(*p))
1690  guard += *p;
1691  else if (isalpha(*p))
1692  guard += toupper(*p);
1693  else
1694  guard += "_";
1695  ++p;
1696  }
1698  if (g->noPragmaOnce)
1699  fprintf(f, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n\n", guard.c_str(), guard.c_str());
1700  else
1701  fprintf(f, "#pragma once\n");
1703  fprintf(f, "#include <stdint.h>\n\n");
1705  if (g->emitInstrumentation) {
1706  fprintf(f, "#define ISPC_INSTRUMENTATION 1\n");
1707  fprintf(f, "#if defined(__cplusplus) && (! defined(__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C) || !__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C )\nextern \"C\" "
1708  "{\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1709  fprintf(f, " void ISPCInstrument(const char *fn, const char *note, int line, uint64_t mask);\n");
1710  fprintf(f, "#if defined(__cplusplus) && (! defined(__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C) || !__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C )\n} /* end "
1711  "extern C */\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1712  }
1714  // end namespace
1715  fprintf(f, "\n");
1716  fprintf(f, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nnamespace ispc { /* namespace */\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1718  // Collect single linear arrays of the exported and extern "C"
1719  // functions
1720  std::vector<Symbol *> exportedFuncs, externCFuncs;
1721  m->symbolTable->GetMatchingFunctions(lIsExported, &exportedFuncs);
1722  m->symbolTable->GetMatchingFunctions(lIsExternC, &externCFuncs);
1724  // Get all of the struct, vector, and enumerant types used as function
1725  // parameters. These vectors may have repeats.
1726  std::vector<const StructType *> exportedStructTypes;
1727  std::vector<const EnumType *> exportedEnumTypes;
1728  std::vector<const VectorType *> exportedVectorTypes;
1729  lGetExportedParamTypes(exportedFuncs, &exportedStructTypes, &exportedEnumTypes, &exportedVectorTypes);
1730  lGetExportedParamTypes(externCFuncs, &exportedStructTypes, &exportedEnumTypes, &exportedVectorTypes);
1732  // Go through the explicitly exported types
1733  for (int i = 0; i < (int)exportedTypes.size(); ++i) {
1734  if (const StructType *st = CastType<StructType>(exportedTypes[i].first))
1735  exportedStructTypes.push_back(st->GetAsUniformType());
1736  else if (const EnumType *et = CastType<EnumType>(exportedTypes[i].first))
1737  exportedEnumTypes.push_back(et->GetAsUniformType());
1738  else if (const VectorType *vt = CastType<VectorType>(exportedTypes[i].first))
1739  exportedVectorTypes.push_back(vt->GetAsUniformType());
1740  else
1741  FATAL("Unexpected type in export list");
1742  }
1744  // And print them
1745  lEmitVectorTypedefs(exportedVectorTypes, f);
1746  lEmitEnumDecls(exportedEnumTypes, f);
1747  lEmitStructDecls(exportedStructTypes, f);
1749  // emit function declarations for exported stuff...
1750  if (exportedFuncs.size() > 0) {
1751  fprintf(f, "\n");
1752  fprintf(f, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1753  fprintf(f, "// Functions exported from ispc code\n");
1754  fprintf(f, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1755  lPrintFunctionDeclarations(f, exportedFuncs);
1756  }
1757 #if 0
1758  if (externCFuncs.size() > 0) {
1759  fprintf(f, "\n");
1760  fprintf(f, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1761  fprintf(f, "// External C functions used by ispc code\n");
1762  fprintf(f, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1763  lPrintFunctionDeclarations(f, externCFuncs);
1764  }
1765 #endif
1767  // end namespace
1768  fprintf(f, "\n");
1769  fprintf(f, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n} /* namespace */\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1771  // end guard
1772  if (g->noPragmaOnce)
1773  fprintf(f, "\n#endif // %s\n", guard.c_str());
1775  fclose(f);
1776  return true;
1777 }
1784  bool Emit4;
1785  bool Emit8;
1786  bool Emit16;
1787  FILE *file;
1788  const char *fn;
1789 };
1792  FILE *f = DHI->file;
1794  if (DHI->EmitFrontMatter) {
1795  fprintf(f, "//\n// %s\n// (Header automatically generated by the ispc compiler.)\n", DHI->fn);
1796  fprintf(f, "// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.\n//\n\n");
1797  }
1798  // Create a nice guard string from the filename, turning any
1799  // non-number/letter characters into underbars
1800  std::string guard = "ISPC_";
1801  const char *p = DHI->fn;
1802  while (*p) {
1803  if (isdigit(*p))
1804  guard += *p;
1805  else if (isalpha(*p))
1806  guard += toupper(*p);
1807  else
1808  guard += "_";
1809  ++p;
1810  }
1811  if (DHI->EmitFrontMatter) {
1812  if (g->noPragmaOnce)
1813  fprintf(f, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n\n", guard.c_str(), guard.c_str());
1814  else
1815  fprintf(f, "#pragma once\n");
1817  fprintf(f, "#include <stdint.h>\n\n");
1819  if (g->emitInstrumentation) {
1820  fprintf(f, "#define ISPC_INSTRUMENTATION 1\n");
1821  fprintf(f, "#if defined(__cplusplus) && (! defined(__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C) || !__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C )\nextern "
1822  "\"C\" {\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1823  fprintf(f, " void ISPCInstrument(const char *fn, const char *note, int line, uint64_t mask);\n");
1824  fprintf(f, "#if defined(__cplusplus) && (! defined(__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C) || !__ISPC_NO_EXTERN_C )\n} /* end "
1825  "extern C */\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1826  }
1828  // end namespace
1829  fprintf(f, "\n");
1830  fprintf(f, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nnamespace ispc { /* namespace */\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n");
1831  DHI->EmitFrontMatter = false;
1832  }
1834  // Collect single linear arrays of the exported and extern "C"
1835  // functions
1836  std::vector<Symbol *> exportedFuncs, externCFuncs;
1837  m->symbolTable->GetMatchingFunctions(lIsExported, &exportedFuncs);
1838  m->symbolTable->GetMatchingFunctions(lIsExternC, &externCFuncs);
1840  int programCount = g->target->getVectorWidth();
1842  if ((DHI->Emit4 && (programCount == 4)) || (DHI->Emit8 && (programCount == 8)) ||
1843  (DHI->Emit16 && (programCount == 16))) {
1844  // Get all of the struct, vector, and enumerant types used as function
1845  // parameters. These vectors may have repeats.
1846  std::vector<const StructType *> exportedStructTypes;
1847  std::vector<const EnumType *> exportedEnumTypes;
1848  std::vector<const VectorType *> exportedVectorTypes;
1849  lGetExportedParamTypes(exportedFuncs, &exportedStructTypes, &exportedEnumTypes, &exportedVectorTypes);
1850  lGetExportedParamTypes(externCFuncs, &exportedStructTypes, &exportedEnumTypes, &exportedVectorTypes);
1852  // Go through the explicitly exported types
1853  for (int i = 0; i < (int)exportedTypes.size(); ++i) {
1854  if (const StructType *st = CastType<StructType>(exportedTypes[i].first))
1855  exportedStructTypes.push_back(st->GetAsUniformType());
1856  else if (const EnumType *et = CastType<EnumType>(exportedTypes[i].first))
1857  exportedEnumTypes.push_back(et->GetAsUniformType());
1858  else if (const VectorType *vt = CastType<VectorType>(exportedTypes[i].first))
1859  exportedVectorTypes.push_back(vt->GetAsUniformType());
1860  else
1861  FATAL("Unexpected type in export list");
1862  }
1864  // And print them
1865  if (DHI->EmitUnifs) {
1866  lEmitVectorTypedefs(exportedVectorTypes, f);
1867  lEmitEnumDecls(exportedEnumTypes, f);
1868  }
1869  lEmitStructDecls(exportedStructTypes, f, DHI->EmitUnifs);
1871  // Update flags
1872  DHI->EmitUnifs = false;
1873  if (programCount == 4) {
1874  DHI->Emit4 = false;
1875  } else if (programCount == 8) {
1876  DHI->Emit8 = false;
1877  } else if (programCount == 16) {
1878  DHI->Emit16 = false;
1879  }
1880  }
1881  if (DHI->EmitFuncs) {
1882  // emit function declarations for exported stuff...
1883  if (exportedFuncs.size() > 0) {
1884  fprintf(f, "\n");
1885  fprintf(f, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1886  fprintf(f, "// Functions exported from ispc code\n");
1887  fprintf(f, "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
1888  lPrintFunctionDeclarations(f, exportedFuncs, 1, true);
1889  fprintf(f, "\n");
1890  }
1891  DHI->EmitFuncs = false;
1892  }
1894  if (DHI->EmitBackMatter) {
1895  // end namespace
1896  fprintf(f, "\n");
1897  fprintf(f, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n} /* namespace */\n#endif // __cplusplus\n");
1899  // end guard
1900  if (g->noPragmaOnce)
1901  fprintf(f, "\n#endif // %s\n", guard.c_str());
1902  DHI->EmitBackMatter = false;
1903  }
1904  return true;
1905 }
1907 void Module::execPreprocessor(const char *infilename, llvm::raw_string_ostream *ostream) const {
1908  clang::CompilerInstance inst;
1910  llvm::raw_fd_ostream stderrRaw(2, false);
1912  clang::DiagnosticOptions *diagOptions = new clang::DiagnosticOptions();
1913  clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter *diagPrinter = new clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter(stderrRaw, diagOptions);
1915  llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticIDs> diagIDs(new clang::DiagnosticIDs);
1916  clang::DiagnosticsEngine *diagEngine = new clang::DiagnosticsEngine(diagIDs, diagOptions, diagPrinter);
1918  inst.setDiagnostics(diagEngine);
1920  inst.createFileManager();
1922  const std::shared_ptr<clang::TargetOptions> &options = std::make_shared<clang::TargetOptions>(inst.getTargetOpts());
1924  llvm::Triple triple(module->getTargetTriple());
1925  if (triple.getTriple().empty()) {
1926  triple.setTriple(llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple());
1927  }
1929  options->Triple = triple.getTriple();
1931  clang::TargetInfo *target = clang::TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(inst.getDiagnostics(), options);
1932  inst.setTarget(target);
1933  inst.createSourceManager(inst.getFileManager());
1936  clang::FrontendInputFile inputFile(infilename, clang::InputKind::Unknown);
1937 #else // LLVM 10.0+
1938  clang::FrontendInputFile inputFile(infilename, clang::InputKind());
1939 #endif
1941  inst.InitializeSourceManager(inputFile);
1943  // Don't remove comments in the preprocessor, so that we can accurately
1944  // track the source file position by handling them ourselves.
1945  inst.getPreprocessorOutputOpts().ShowComments = 1;
1947  inst.getPreprocessorOutputOpts().ShowCPP = 1;
1948  clang::HeaderSearchOptions &headerOpts = inst.getHeaderSearchOpts();
1949  headerOpts.UseBuiltinIncludes = 0;
1950  headerOpts.UseStandardSystemIncludes = 0;
1951  headerOpts.UseStandardCXXIncludes = 0;
1952 #ifndef ISPC_NO_DUMPS
1953  if (g->debugPrint)
1954  headerOpts.Verbose = 1;
1955 #endif
1956  for (int i = 0; i < (int)g->includePath.size(); ++i) {
1957  headerOpts.AddPath(g->includePath[i], clang::frontend::Angled, false /* not a framework */,
1958  true /* ignore sys root */);
1959  }
1961  clang::PreprocessorOptions &opts = inst.getPreprocessorOpts();
1963  // Add defs for ISPC and PI
1964  opts.addMacroDef("ISPC");
1965  opts.addMacroDef("PI=3.1415926535");
1967  // Add defs for ISPC_UINT_IS_DEFINED.
1968  // This lets the user know uint* is part of language.
1969  opts.addMacroDef("ISPC_UINT_IS_DEFINED");
1971  // Add #define for current compilation target
1972  char targetMacro[128];
1973  snprintf(targetMacro, sizeof(targetMacro), "ISPC_TARGET_%s", g->target->GetISAString());
1974  char *p = targetMacro;
1975  while (*p) {
1976  *p = toupper(*p);
1977  if (*p == '-')
1978  *p = '_';
1979  ++p;
1980  }
1982  // Add 'TARGET_WIDTH' macro to expose vector width to user.
1983  std::string TARGET_WIDTH = "TARGET_WIDTH=" + std::to_string(g->target->getVectorWidth());
1984  opts.addMacroDef(TARGET_WIDTH);
1986  // Add 'TARGET_ELEMENT_WIDTH' macro to expose element width to user.
1987  std::string TARGET_ELEMENT_WIDTH = "TARGET_ELEMENT_WIDTH=" + std::to_string(g->target->getDataTypeWidth() / 8);
1988  opts.addMacroDef(TARGET_ELEMENT_WIDTH);
1990  opts.addMacroDef(targetMacro);
1992  if (g->target->is32Bit())
1993  opts.addMacroDef("ISPC_POINTER_SIZE=32");
1994  else
1995  opts.addMacroDef("ISPC_POINTER_SIZE=64");
1997  if (g->target->hasHalf())
1998  opts.addMacroDef("ISPC_TARGET_HAS_HALF");
1999  if (g->target->hasRand())
2000  opts.addMacroDef("ISPC_TARGET_HAS_RAND");
2001  if (g->target->hasTranscendentals())
2003  if (g->opt.forceAlignedMemory)
2004  opts.addMacroDef("ISPC_FORCE_ALIGNED_MEMORY");
2006  constexpr int buf_size = 25;
2007  char ispc_major[buf_size], ispc_minor[buf_size];
2008  snprintf(ispc_major, buf_size, "ISPC_MAJOR_VERSION=%d", ISPC_VERSION_MAJOR);
2009  snprintf(ispc_minor, buf_size, "ISPC_MINOR_VERSION=%d", ISPC_VERSION_MINOR);
2010  opts.addMacroDef(ispc_major);
2011  opts.addMacroDef(ispc_minor);
2013  if (g->includeStdlib) {
2014  if (g->opt.disableAsserts)
2015  opts.addMacroDef("assert(x)=");
2016  else
2017  opts.addMacroDef("assert(x)=__assert(#x, x)");
2018  }
2020  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < g->cppArgs.size(); ++i) {
2021  // Sanity check--should really begin with -D
2022  if (g->cppArgs[i].substr(0, 2) == "-D") {
2023  opts.addMacroDef(g->cppArgs[i].substr(2));
2024  }
2025  }
2027  inst.getLangOpts().LineComment = 1;
2029  inst.createPreprocessor(clang::TU_Complete);
2031  diagPrinter->BeginSourceFile(inst.getLangOpts(), &inst.getPreprocessor());
2032  clang::DoPrintPreprocessedInput(inst.getPreprocessor(), ostream, inst.getPreprocessorOutputOpts());
2033  diagPrinter->EndSourceFile();
2034 }
2036 // Given an output filename of the form "foo.obj", and an ISA name like
2037 // "avx", return a string with the ISA name inserted before the original
2038 // filename's suffix, like "foo_avx.obj".
2039 static std::string lGetTargetFileName(const char *outFileName, const char *isaString) {
2040  int bufferSize = strlen(outFileName) + 16;
2041  char *targetOutFileName = new char[bufferSize];
2042  if (strrchr(outFileName, '.') != NULL) {
2043  // Copy everything up to the last '.'
2044  int count = strrchr(outFileName, '.') - outFileName;
2045  strncpy(targetOutFileName, outFileName, count);
2046  targetOutFileName[count] = '\0';
2048  // Add the ISA name
2049  strncat(targetOutFileName, "_", bufferSize - strlen(targetOutFileName) - 1);
2050  strncat(targetOutFileName, isaString, bufferSize - strlen(targetOutFileName) - 1);
2052  // And finish with the original file suffix
2053  strncat(targetOutFileName, strrchr(outFileName, '.'), bufferSize - strlen(targetOutFileName) - 1);
2054  } else {
2055  // Can't find a '.' in the filename, so just append the ISA suffix
2056  // to what we weregiven
2057  strncpy(targetOutFileName, outFileName, bufferSize - 1);
2058  targetOutFileName[bufferSize - 1] = '\0';
2059  strncat(targetOutFileName, "_", bufferSize - strlen(targetOutFileName) - 1);
2060  strncat(targetOutFileName, isaString, bufferSize - strlen(targetOutFileName) - 1);
2061  }
2062  return targetOutFileName;
2063 }
2065 static bool lSymbolIsExported(const Symbol *s) { return s->exportedFunction != NULL; }
2067 // Small structure to hold pointers to the various different versions of a
2068 // llvm::Function that were compiled for different compilation target ISAs.
2071  for (int i = 0; i < Target::NUM_ISAS; ++i) {
2072  func[i] = NULL;
2073  FTs[i] = NULL;
2074  }
2075  }
2076  // The func array is indexed with the Target::ISA enumerant. Some
2077  // values may be NULL, indicating that the original function wasn't
2078  // compiled to the corresponding target ISA.
2079  llvm::Function *func[Target::NUM_ISAS];
2081 };
2083 // Given the symbol table for a module, return a map from function names to
2084 // FunctionTargetVariants for each function that was defined with the
2085 // 'export' qualifier in ispc.
2086 static void lGetExportedFunctions(SymbolTable *symbolTable, std::map<std::string, FunctionTargetVariants> &functions) {
2087  std::vector<Symbol *> syms;
2088  symbolTable->GetMatchingFunctions(lSymbolIsExported, &syms);
2089  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < syms.size(); ++i) {
2090  FunctionTargetVariants &ftv = functions[syms[i]->name];
2091  ftv.func[g->target->getISA()] = syms[i]->exportedFunction;
2092  ftv.FTs[g->target->getISA()] = CastType<FunctionType>(syms[i]->type);
2093  }
2094 }
2096 static llvm::FunctionType *lGetVaryingDispatchType(FunctionTargetVariants &funcs) {
2097  llvm::Type *ptrToInt8Ty = llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(*g->ctx);
2098  llvm::FunctionType *resultFuncTy = NULL;
2100  for (int i = 0; i < Target::NUM_ISAS; ++i) {
2101  if (funcs.func[i] == NULL) {
2102  continue;
2103  } else {
2104  bool foundVarying = false;
2105  const FunctionType *ft = funcs.FTs[i];
2106  resultFuncTy = funcs.func[i]->getFunctionType();
2108  int numArgs = ft->GetNumParameters();
2109  llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 8> ftype;
2110  for (int j = 0; j < numArgs; ++j) {
2111  ftype.push_back(resultFuncTy->getParamType(j));
2112  }
2114  for (int j = 0; j < numArgs; ++j) {
2115  const Type *arg = ft->GetParameterType(j);
2117  if (arg->IsPointerType()) {
2118  const Type *baseType = CastType<PointerType>(arg)->GetBaseType();
2119  // For each varying type pointed to, swap the LLVM pointer type
2120  // with i8 * (as close as we can get to void *)
2121  if (baseType->IsVaryingType()) {
2122  ftype[j] = ptrToInt8Ty;
2123  foundVarying = true;
2124  }
2125  }
2126  }
2127  if (foundVarying) {
2128  resultFuncTy = llvm::FunctionType::get(resultFuncTy->getReturnType(), ftype, false);
2129  }
2130  }
2131  }
2133  // We should've found at least one variant here
2134  // or else something fishy is going on.
2135  Assert(resultFuncTy);
2137  return resultFuncTy;
2138 }
2140 /** Create the dispatch function for an exported ispc function.
2141  This function checks to see which vector ISAs the system the
2142  code is running on supports and calls out to the best available
2143  variant that was generated at compile time.
2145  @param module Module in which to create the dispatch function.
2146  @param setISAFunc Pointer to the __set_system_isa() function defined
2147  in builtins-dispatch.ll (which is linked into the
2148  given module before we get here.)
2149  @param systemBestISAPtr Pointer to the module-local __system_best_isa
2150  variable, which holds a value of the Target::ISA
2151  enumerant giving the most capable ISA that the
2152  system supports.
2153  @param name Name of the function for which we're generating a
2154  dispatch function
2155  @param funcs Target-specific variants of the exported function.
2156 */
2157 static void lCreateDispatchFunction(llvm::Module *module, llvm::Function *setISAFunc, llvm::Value *systemBestISAPtr,
2158  const std::string &name, FunctionTargetVariants &funcs) {
2159  // The llvm::Function pointers in funcs are pointers to functions in
2160  // different llvm::Modules, so we can't call them directly. Therefore,
2161  // we'll start by generating an 'extern' declaration of each one that
2162  // we have in the current module so that we can then call out to that.
2163  llvm::Function *targetFuncs[Target::NUM_ISAS];
2165  // New helper function checks to see if we need to rewrite the
2166  // type for the dispatch function in case of pointers to varyings
2167  llvm::FunctionType *ftype = lGetVaryingDispatchType(funcs);
2169  // Now we insert type-punned declarations for dispatched functions.
2170  // This is needed when compiling modules for a set of architectures
2171  // with different vector lengths. Due to restrictions, the return
2172  // type is the same across all architectures, however in different
2173  // modules it may have dissimilar names. The loop below works this
2174  // around.
2175  for (int i = 0; i < Target::NUM_ISAS; ++i) {
2176  if (funcs.func[i])
2177  targetFuncs[i] =
2178  llvm::Function::Create(ftype, llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, funcs.func[i]->getName(), module);
2179  else
2180  targetFuncs[i] = NULL;
2181  }
2183  bool voidReturn = ftype->getReturnType()->isVoidTy();
2185  // Now we can emit the definition of the dispatch function..
2186  llvm::Function *dispatchFunc =
2187  llvm::Function::Create(ftype, llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, name.c_str(), module);
2188  llvm::BasicBlock *bblock = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*g->ctx, "entry", dispatchFunc);
2190  // Start by calling out to the function that determines the system's
2191  // ISA and sets __system_best_isa, if it hasn't been set yet.
2192  llvm::CallInst::Create(setISAFunc, "", bblock);
2194  // Now we can load the system's ISA enumerant
2195  llvm::Value *systemISA = new llvm::LoadInst(systemBestISAPtr, "system_isa", bblock);
2197  // Now emit code that works backwards though the available variants of
2198  // the function. We'll call out to the first one we find that will run
2199  // successfully on the system the code is running on. In working
2200  // through the candidate ISAs here backward, we're taking advantage of
2201  // the expectation that they are ordered in the Target::ISA enumerant
2202  // from least to most capable.
2203  for (int i = Target::NUM_ISAS - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
2204  if (targetFuncs[i] == NULL)
2205  continue;
2207  // Emit code to see if the system can run the current candidate
2208  // variant successfully--"is the system's ISA enumerant value >=
2209  // the enumerant value of the current candidate?"
2211  llvm::Value *ok = llvm::CmpInst::Create(llvm::Instruction::ICmp, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_SGE, systemISA,
2212  LLVMInt32(i), "isa_ok", bblock);
2213  llvm::BasicBlock *callBBlock = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*g->ctx, "do_call", dispatchFunc);
2214  llvm::BasicBlock *nextBBlock = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*g->ctx, "next_try", dispatchFunc);
2215  llvm::BranchInst::Create(callBBlock, nextBBlock, ok, bblock);
2217  // Emit the code to make the call call in callBBlock.
2218  // Just pass through all of the args from the dispatch function to
2219  // the target-specific function.
2220  std::vector<llvm::Value *> args;
2221  llvm::Function::arg_iterator argIter = dispatchFunc->arg_begin();
2222  llvm::Function::arg_iterator targsIter = targetFuncs[i]->arg_begin();
2223  for (; argIter != dispatchFunc->arg_end(); ++argIter, ++targsIter) {
2224  // Check to see if we rewrote any types in the dispatch function.
2225  // If so, create bitcasts for the appropriate pointer types.
2226  if (argIter->getType() == targsIter->getType()) {
2227  args.push_back(&*argIter);
2228  } else {
2229  llvm::CastInst *argCast = llvm::CastInst::CreatePointerCast(&*argIter, targsIter->getType(),
2230  "dpatch_arg_bitcast", callBBlock);
2231  args.push_back(argCast);
2232  }
2233  }
2234  if (voidReturn) {
2235  llvm::CallInst::Create(targetFuncs[i], args, "", callBBlock);
2236  llvm::ReturnInst::Create(*g->ctx, callBBlock);
2237  } else {
2238  llvm::Value *retValue = llvm::CallInst::Create(targetFuncs[i], args, "ret_value", callBBlock);
2239  llvm::ReturnInst::Create(*g->ctx, retValue, callBBlock);
2240  }
2242  // Otherwise we'll go on to the next candidate and see about that
2243  // one...
2244  bblock = nextBBlock;
2245  }
2247  // We couldn't find a match that the current system was capable of
2248  // running. We'll call abort(); this is a bit of a blunt hammer--it
2249  // might be preferable to call a user-supplied callback--ISPCError(...)
2250  // or some such, but we don't want to start imposing too much of a
2251  // runtime library requirement either...
2252  llvm::Function *abortFunc = module->getFunction("abort");
2253  Assert(abortFunc);
2254  llvm::CallInst::Create(abortFunc, "", bblock);
2256  // Return an undef value from the function here; we won't get to this
2257  // point at runtime, but LLVM needs all of the basic blocks to be
2258  // terminated...
2259  if (voidReturn)
2260  llvm::ReturnInst::Create(*g->ctx, bblock);
2261  else {
2262  llvm::Value *undefRet = llvm::UndefValue::get(ftype->getReturnType());
2263  llvm::ReturnInst::Create(*g->ctx, undefRet, bblock);
2264  }
2265 }
2267 // Initialize a dispatch module
2268 static llvm::Module *lInitDispatchModule() {
2269  llvm::Module *module = new llvm::Module("dispatch_module", *g->ctx);
2271  module->setTargetTriple(g->target->GetTripleString());
2273  // DataLayout information supposed to be managed in single place in Target class.
2274  module->setDataLayout(g->target->getDataLayout()->getStringRepresentation());
2276  // First, link in the definitions from the builtins-dispatch.ll file.
2277  const BitcodeLib *dispatch = g->target_registry->getDispatchLib();
2278  Assert(dispatch);
2279  AddBitcodeToModule(dispatch, module);
2281  return module;
2282 }
2284 // Complete the creation of a dispatch module.
2285 // Given a map that holds the mapping from each of the 'export'ed functions
2286 // in the ispc program to the target-specific variants of the function,
2287 // create a llvm::Module that has a dispatch function for each exported
2288 // function that checks the system's capabilities and picks the most
2289 // appropriate compiled variant of the function.
2290 static void lEmitDispatchModule(llvm::Module *module, std::map<std::string, FunctionTargetVariants> &functions) {
2291  // Get pointers to things we need below
2292  llvm::Function *setFunc = module->getFunction("__set_system_isa");
2293  Assert(setFunc != NULL);
2294  llvm::Value *systemBestISAPtr = module->getGlobalVariable("__system_best_isa", true);
2295  Assert(systemBestISAPtr != NULL);
2297  // For each exported function, create the dispatch function
2298  std::map<std::string, FunctionTargetVariants>::iterator iter;
2299  for (iter = functions.begin(); iter != functions.end(); ++iter)
2300  lCreateDispatchFunction(module, setFunc, systemBestISAPtr, iter->first, iter->second);
2302  // Do some rudimentary cleanup of the final result and make sure that
2303  // the module is all ok.
2304  llvm::legacy::PassManager optPM;
2305  optPM.add(llvm::createGlobalDCEPass());
2306  optPM.add(llvm::createVerifierPass());
2308 }
2310 // Determines if two types are compatible
2311 static bool lCompatibleTypes(llvm::Type *Ty1, llvm::Type *Ty2) {
2312  while (Ty1->getTypeID() == Ty2->getTypeID())
2313  switch (Ty1->getTypeID()) {
2314  case llvm::ArrayType::ArrayTyID:
2315  if (Ty1->getArrayNumElements() != Ty2->getArrayNumElements())
2316  return false;
2317  Ty1 = Ty1->getArrayElementType();
2318  Ty2 = Ty2->getArrayElementType();
2319  break;
2321  case llvm::ArrayType::PointerTyID:
2322  Ty1 = Ty1->getPointerElementType();
2323  Ty2 = Ty2->getPointerElementType();
2324  break;
2326  case llvm::ArrayType::StructTyID: {
2327  llvm::StructType *STy1 = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(Ty1);
2328  llvm::StructType *STy2 = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(Ty2);
2329  return STy1 && STy2 && STy1->isLayoutIdentical(STy2);
2330  }
2331  default:
2332  // Pointers for compatible simple types are assumed equal
2333  return Ty1 == Ty2;
2334  }
2335  return false;
2336 }
2338 // Grab all of the global value definitions from the module and change them
2339 // to be declarations; we'll emit a single definition of each global in the
2340 // final module used with the dispatch functions, so that we don't have
2341 // multiple definitions of them, one in each of the target-specific output
2342 // files.
2343 static void lExtractOrCheckGlobals(llvm::Module *msrc, llvm::Module *mdst, bool check) {
2344  llvm::Module::global_iterator iter;
2345  llvm::ValueToValueMapTy VMap;
2347  for (iter = msrc->global_begin(); iter != msrc->global_end(); ++iter) {
2348  llvm::GlobalVariable *gv = &*iter;
2349  // Is it a global definition?
2350  if (gv->getLinkage() == llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage && gv->hasInitializer()) {
2351  llvm::Type *type = gv->getType()->getElementType();
2352  Symbol *sym = m->symbolTable->LookupVariable(gv->getName().str().c_str());
2353  Assert(sym != NULL);
2355  // Check presence and compatibility for the current global
2356  if (check) {
2357  llvm::GlobalVariable *exist = mdst->getGlobalVariable(gv->getName());
2358  Assert(exist != NULL);
2360  // It is possible that the types may not match: for
2361  // example, this happens with varying globals if we
2362  // compile to different vector widths
2363  if (!lCompatibleTypes(exist->getType(), gv->getType())) {
2364  Warning(sym->pos,
2365  "Mismatch in size/layout of global "
2366  "variable \"%s\" with different targets. "
2367  "Globals must not include \"varying\" types or arrays "
2368  "with size based on programCount when compiling to "
2369  "targets with differing vector widths.",
2370  gv->getName().str().c_str());
2371  }
2372  }
2373  // Alternatively, create it anew and make it match the original
2374  else {
2375  llvm::GlobalVariable *newGlobal =
2376  new llvm::GlobalVariable(*mdst, type, gv->isConstant(), llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
2377  (llvm::Constant *)nullptr, gv->getName());
2378  VMap[&*iter] = newGlobal;
2380  newGlobal->setInitializer(llvm::MapValue(iter->getInitializer(), VMap));
2381  newGlobal->copyAttributesFrom(gv);
2382  }
2383  // Turn this into an 'extern' declaration by clearing its
2384  // initializer.
2385  gv->setInitializer(NULL);
2386  }
2387  }
2388 }
2390 int Module::CompileAndOutput(const char *srcFile, Arch arch, const char *cpu, std::vector<ISPCTarget> targets,
2391  OutputFlags outputFlags, OutputType outputType, const char *outFileName,
2392  const char *headerFileName, const char *includeFileName, const char *depsFileName,
2393  const char *depsTargetName, const char *hostStubFileName, const char *devStubFileName) {
2394  if (targets.size() == 0 || targets.size() == 1) {
2395  // We're only compiling to a single target
2396  // TODO something wrong here
2397  ISPCTarget target = ISPCTarget::none;
2398  if (targets.size() == 1) {
2399  target = targets[0];
2400  }
2401  g->target = new Target(arch, cpu, target, 0 != (outputFlags & GeneratePIC), g->printTarget);
2402  if (!g->target->isValid())
2403  return 1;
2405  m = new Module(srcFile);
2406  if (m->CompileFile() == 0) {
2407  if (outputType == CXX) {
2408  if (target == ISPCTarget::none || !ISPCTargetIsGeneric(target)) {
2409  Error(SourcePos(), "When generating C++ output, one of the \"generic-*\" "
2410  "targets must be used.");
2411  return 1;
2412  }
2413  } else if (outputType == Asm || outputType == Object) {
2414  if (ISPCTargetIsGeneric(target)) {
2415  Error(SourcePos(),
2416  "When using a \"generic-*\" compilation target, "
2417  "%s output can not be used.",
2418  (outputType == Asm) ? "assembly" : "object file");
2419  return 1;
2420  }
2421  }
2423  if (outFileName != NULL)
2424  if (!m->writeOutput(outputType, outputFlags, outFileName, includeFileName))
2425  return 1;
2426  if (headerFileName != NULL)
2427  if (!m->writeOutput(Module::Header, outputFlags, headerFileName))
2428  return 1;
2429  if (depsFileName != NULL || (outputFlags & Module::OutputDepsToStdout)) {
2430  std::string targetName;
2431  if (depsTargetName)
2432  targetName = depsTargetName;
2433  else if (outFileName)
2434  targetName = outFileName;
2435  else if (!IsStdin(srcFile)) {
2436  targetName = srcFile;
2437  size_t dot = targetName.find_last_of('.');
2438  if (dot != std::string::npos)
2439  targetName.erase(dot, std::string::npos);
2440  targetName.append(".o");
2441  } else
2442  targetName = "a.out";
2443  if (!m->writeOutput(Module::Deps, outputFlags, depsFileName, targetName.c_str(), srcFile))
2444  return 1;
2445  }
2446  if (hostStubFileName != NULL)
2447  if (!m->writeOutput(Module::HostStub, outputFlags, hostStubFileName))
2448  return 1;
2449  if (devStubFileName != NULL)
2450  if (!m->writeOutput(Module::DevStub, outputFlags, devStubFileName))
2451  return 1;
2452  } else
2453  ++m->errorCount;
2455  int errorCount = m->errorCount;
2456  delete m;
2457  m = NULL;
2459  delete g->target;
2460  g->target = NULL;
2462  return errorCount > 0;
2463  } else {
2464  if (outputType == CXX) {
2465  Error(SourcePos(), "Illegal to specify more than one target when "
2466  "compiling C++ output.");
2467  return 1;
2468  }
2469  if (IsStdin(srcFile)) {
2470  Error(SourcePos(), "Compiling programs from standard input isn't "
2471  "supported when compiling for multiple targets. Please use "
2472  "an intermediate temporary file.");
2473  return 1;
2474  }
2475  if (cpu != NULL) {
2476  Error(SourcePos(), "Illegal to specify cpu type when compiling "
2477  "for multiple targets.");
2478  return 1;
2479  }
2481  // The user supplied multiple targets
2482  Assert(targets.size() > 1);
2484  if (outFileName != NULL && strcmp(outFileName, "-") == 0) {
2485  Error(SourcePos(), "Multi-target compilation can't generate output "
2486  "to stdout. Please provide an output filename.\n");
2487  return 1;
2488  }
2490  // Make sure that the function names for 'export'ed functions have
2491  // the target ISA appended to them.
2492  g->mangleFunctionsWithTarget = true;
2494  llvm::TargetMachine *targetMachines[Target::NUM_ISAS];
2495  for (int i = 0; i < Target::NUM_ISAS; ++i)
2496  targetMachines[i] = NULL;
2498  llvm::Module *dispatchModule = NULL;
2500  std::map<std::string, FunctionTargetVariants> exportedFunctions;
2501  int errorCount = 0;
2503  // Handle creating a "generic" header file for multiple targets
2504  // that use exported varyings
2505  DispatchHeaderInfo DHI;
2506  if (headerFileName != NULL) {
2507  DHI.file = fopen(headerFileName, "w");
2508  if (!DHI.file) {
2509  perror("fopen");
2510  return false;
2511  }
2512  DHI.fn = headerFileName;
2513  DHI.EmitUnifs = true;
2514  DHI.EmitFuncs = true;
2515  DHI.EmitFrontMatter = true;
2516  DHI.Emit4 = true;
2517  DHI.Emit8 = true;
2518  DHI.Emit16 = true;
2519  // This is toggled later.
2520  DHI.EmitBackMatter = false;
2521  }
2523  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i) {
2524  g->target = new Target(arch, cpu, targets[i], 0 != (outputFlags & GeneratePIC), g->printTarget);
2525  if (!g->target->isValid())
2526  return 1;
2528  // Issue an error if we've already compiled to a variant of
2529  // this target ISA. (It doesn't make sense to compile to both
2530  // avx and avx-x2, for example.)
2531  if (targetMachines[g->target->getISA()] != NULL) {
2532  Error(SourcePos(),
2533  "Can't compile to multiple variants of %s "
2534  "target!\n",
2535  g->target->GetISAString());
2536  return 1;
2537  }
2538  targetMachines[g->target->getISA()] = g->target->GetTargetMachine();
2540  m = new Module(srcFile);
2541  if (m->CompileFile() == 0) {
2542  // Create the dispatch module, unless already created;
2543  // in the latter case, just do the checking
2544  bool check = (dispatchModule != NULL);
2545  if (!check)
2546  dispatchModule = lInitDispatchModule();
2547  lExtractOrCheckGlobals(m->module, dispatchModule, check);
2549  // Grab pointers to the exported functions from the module we
2550  // just compiled, for use in generating the dispatch function
2551  // later.
2552  lGetExportedFunctions(m->symbolTable, exportedFunctions);
2554  if (outFileName != NULL) {
2555  std::string targetOutFileName;
2556  const char *isaName = g->target->GetISAString();
2557  targetOutFileName = lGetTargetFileName(outFileName, isaName);
2558  if (!m->writeOutput(outputType, outputFlags, targetOutFileName.c_str())) {
2559  return 1;
2560  }
2561  }
2562  } else {
2563  ++m->errorCount;
2564  }
2566  errorCount += m->errorCount;
2567  if (errorCount != 0) {
2568  return 1;
2569  }
2571  // Only write the generate header file, if desired, the first
2572  // time through the loop here.
2573  if (headerFileName != NULL) {
2574  if (i == targets.size() - 1) {
2575  // only print backmatter on the last target.
2576  DHI.EmitBackMatter = true;
2577  }
2579  const char *isaName;
2580  isaName = g->target->GetISAString();
2581  std::string targetHeaderFileName = lGetTargetFileName(headerFileName, isaName);
2582  // write out a header w/o target name for the first target only
2583  if (!m->writeOutput(Module::Header, outputFlags, headerFileName, "", nullptr, &DHI)) {
2584  return 1;
2585  }
2586  if (!m->writeOutput(Module::Header, outputFlags, targetHeaderFileName.c_str())) {
2587  return 1;
2588  }
2589  if (i == targets.size() - 1) {
2590  fclose(DHI.file);
2591  }
2592  }
2594  delete g->target;
2595  g->target = NULL;
2597  // Important: Don't delete the llvm::Module *m here; we need to
2598  // keep it around so the llvm::Functions *s stay valid for when
2599  // we generate the dispatch module's functions...
2600  }
2602  // Find the first non-NULL target machine from the targets we
2603  // compiled to above. We'll use this as the target machine for
2604  // compiling the dispatch module--this is safe in that it is the
2605  // least-common-denominator of all of the targets we compiled to.
2606  llvm::TargetMachine *firstTargetMachine = NULL;
2607  int i = 0;
2608  const char *firstISA = "";
2609  ISPCTarget firstTarget = ISPCTarget::none;
2610  while (i < Target::NUM_ISAS && firstTargetMachine == NULL) {
2611  firstISA = Target::ISAToTargetString((Target::ISA)i);
2612  firstTarget = ParseISPCTarget(firstISA);
2613  firstTargetMachine = targetMachines[i++];
2614  }
2615  Assert(strcmp(firstISA, "") != 0);
2616  Assert(firstTarget != ISPCTarget::none);
2617  Assert(firstTargetMachine != NULL);
2619  g->target = new Target(arch, cpu, firstTarget, 0 != (outputFlags & GeneratePIC), false);
2620  if (!g->target->isValid()) {
2621  return 1;
2622  }
2624  if (dispatchModule == NULL) {
2625  Error(SourcePos(), "Failed to create dispatch module.\n");
2626  return 1;
2627  }
2629  lEmitDispatchModule(dispatchModule, exportedFunctions);
2631  if (outFileName != NULL) {
2632  if ((outputType == Bitcode) || (outputType == BitcodeText))
2633  writeBitcode(dispatchModule, outFileName, outputType);
2634  else
2635  writeObjectFileOrAssembly(firstTargetMachine, dispatchModule, outputType, outFileName);
2636  }
2638  if (depsFileName != NULL || (outputFlags & Module::OutputDepsToStdout)) {
2639  std::string targetName;
2640  if (depsTargetName)
2641  targetName = depsTargetName;
2642  else if (outFileName)
2643  targetName = outFileName;
2644  else if (!IsStdin(srcFile)) {
2645  targetName = srcFile;
2646  size_t dot = targetName.find_last_of('.');
2647  if (dot != std::string::npos)
2648  targetName.erase(dot, std::string::npos);
2649  targetName.append(".o");
2650  } else
2651  targetName = "a.out";
2652  if (!m->writeOutput(Module::Deps, outputFlags, depsFileName, targetName.c_str(), srcFile))
2653  return 1;
2654  }
2656  delete g->target;
2657  g->target = NULL;
2658  return errorCount > 0;
2659  }
2660 }
int yyparse()
llvm::Value * storagePtr
Definition: sym.h:70
static const AtomicType * VaryingInt32
Definition: type.h:325
bool writeOutput(OutputType ot, OutputFlags flags, const char *filename, const char *includeFileName=NULL, const char *sourceFileName=NULL, DispatchHeaderInfo *DHI=0)
Definition: module.cpp:815
bool IsReferenceType() const
Definition: type.cpp:165
TargetOS target_os
Definition: ispc.h:515
bool IsUniformType() const
Definition: type.h:134
llvm::Function * function
Definition: sym.h:74
bool isMultiTargetCompilation
Definition: ispc.h:636
void DefineStdlib(SymbolTable *symbolTable, llvm::LLVMContext *ctx, llvm::Module *module, bool includeStdlibISPC)
Definition: builtins.cpp:920
Definition: target_enums.h:55
Definition: ast.h:138
Opt opt
Definition: ispc.h:509
llvm::DIFile * GetDIFile() const
Definition: ispc.cpp:1507
void AddTypeDef(const std::string &name, const Type *type, SourcePos pos)
Definition: module.cpp:266
const Type * GetReturnType() const
Definition: type.h:864
virtual const Type * GetAsUnsignedType() const
Definition: type.cpp:2569
std::vector< std::pair< const Type *, SourcePos > > exportedTypes
Definition: module.h:162
bool writeDevStub(const char *filename)
Definition: module.cpp:1422
static void lEmitEnumDecls(const std::vector< const EnumType *> &enumTypes, FILE *file)
Definition: module.cpp:1133
Declaration of the FunctionEmitContext class
Definition: ispc_version.h:41
TargetLibRegistry * target_registry
Definition: ispc.h:506
bool AddFunction(Symbol *symbol)
Definition: sym.cpp:126
static const AtomicType * VaryingUInt64
Definition: type.h:331
static void lCheckForStructParameters(const FunctionType *ftype, SourcePos pos)
Definition: module.cpp:531
YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer(FILE *, int)
bool IsVaryingType() const
Definition: type.h:137
static llvm::Module * lInitDispatchModule()
Definition: module.cpp:2268
static void lCreateDispatchFunction(llvm::Module *module, llvm::Function *setISAFunc, llvm::Value *systemBestISAPtr, const std::string &name, FunctionTargetVariants &funcs)
Definition: module.cpp:2157
#define UNESCAPE_SEQ(c, esc)
static void lExtractOrCheckGlobals(llvm::Module *msrc, llvm::Module *mdst, bool check)
Definition: module.cpp:2343
static bool lSymbolIsExported(const Symbol *s)
Definition: module.cpp:2065
Interface class for statements in the ispc language.
Definition: stmt.h:48
std::string emitOffloadParamStruct(const std::string &paramStructName, const Symbol *sym, const FunctionType *fct)
Definition: module.cpp:1388
int first_line
Definition: ispc.h:127
Structure that defines a compilation target.
Definition: ispc.h:149
int GetSOAWidth() const
Definition: type.h:145
Target * target
Definition: ispc.h:512
ASTNode * TypeCheck(ASTNode *root)
Definition: ast.cpp:242
bool AddVariable(Symbol *symbol)
Definition: sym.cpp:85
virtual std::pair< llvm::Constant *, bool > GetStorageConstant(const Type *type) const
Definition: expr.cpp:84
static void lEmitVectorTypedefs(const std::vector< const VectorType *> &types, FILE *file)
Definition: module.cpp:1171
const std::string & GetParameterName(int i) const
Definition: type.cpp:2556
Expression representing a compile-time constant value.
Definition: expr.h:374
llvm::Function * func[Target::NUM_ISAS]
Definition: module.cpp:2079
Abstract base class for types that represent sequences.
Definition: type.h:498
std::vector< std::string > includePath
Definition: ispc.h:623
std::string GetCDeclaration(const std::string &fname) const
Definition: type.cpp:2364
static void lCheckExportedParameterTypes(const Type *type, const std::string &name, SourcePos pos)
Definition: module.cpp:505
const Type * GetElementType() const
Definition: type.cpp:1185
void AddFunctionDeclaration(const std::string &name, const FunctionType *ftype, StorageClass sc, bool isInline, bool isNoInline, SourcePos pos)
Definition: module.cpp:549
bool NoOmitFramePointer
Definition: ispc.h:542
std::string Mangle() const
Definition: type.cpp:2350
Symbol table that holds all known symbols during parsing and compilation.
Definition: sym.h:116
std::string GetTripleString() const
Definition: ispc.cpp:1124
void yy_switch_to_buffer(YY_BUFFER_STATE)
Expr * TypeConvertExpr(Expr *expr, const Type *toType, const char *errorMsgBase)
Definition: expr.cpp:548
Declarations related to optimization passes.
void InitLLVMUtil(llvm::LLVMContext *ctx, Target &target)
Definition: llvmutil.cpp:97
static void lGetExportedTypes(const Type *type, std::vector< const StructType *> *exportedStructTypes, std::vector< const EnumType *> *exportedEnumTypes, std::vector< const VectorType *> *exportedVectorTypes)
Definition: module.cpp:1226
bool forceAlignedMemory
Definition: ispc.h:426
const FunctionType * FTs[Target::NUM_ISAS]
Definition: module.cpp:2080
int getDataTypeWidth() const
Definition: ispc.h:243
Declarations of functions related to builtins and the standard library.
const char * fn
Definition: module.cpp:1788
bool hasHalf() const
Definition: ispc.h:253
int GetNumParameters() const
Definition: type.h:874
Module * m
Definition: ispc.cpp:73
std::string name
Definition: sym.h:69
Symbol * LookupVariable(const char *name)
Definition: sym.cpp:112
Definition: module.h:86
Type implementation for pointers to other types.
Definition: type.h:419
static bool lIsExternC(const Symbol *sym)
Definition: module.cpp:1313
int TotalElementCount() const
Definition: type.cpp:1266
bool writeHeader(const char *filename)
Definition: module.cpp:1675
const Type * GetBaseType() const
Definition: type.cpp:1363
ConstExpr * constValue
Definition: sym.h:85
static const StructType * lGetElementStructType(const Type *t)
Definition: module.cpp:1007
bool writeObjectFileOrAssembly(OutputType outputType, const char *filename)
Definition: module.cpp:950
virtual llvm::Type * LLVMType(llvm::LLVMContext *ctx) const =0
header file with declarations for symbol and symbol table classes.
bool writeHostStub(const char *filename)
Definition: module.cpp:1557
Type representing a reference to another (non-reference) type.
Definition: type.h:782
static llvm::FunctionType * lGetVaryingDispatchType(FunctionTargetVariants &funcs)
Definition: module.cpp:2096
virtual const Type * GetReferenceTarget() const
Definition: type.cpp:2564
bool includeStdlib
Definition: ispc.h:528
virtual llvm::DIType * GetDIType(llvm::DIScope *scope) const =0
int level
Definition: ispc.h:392
static bool lIsExported(const Symbol *sym)
Definition: module.cpp:1307
llvm::Module * module
Definition: module.h:151
void execPreprocessor(const char *infilename, llvm::raw_string_ostream *ostream) const
Definition: module.cpp:1907
Expr * GetParameterDefault(int i) const
Definition: type.cpp:2546
File with declarations for classes related to statements in the language.
struct yy_buffer_state * YY_BUFFER_STATE
Definition: module.cpp:197
llvm::Type * LLVMType(llvm::LLVMContext *ctx) const
Definition: type.cpp:1809
std::set< std::string > registeredDependencies
Definition: module.cpp:97
const SourcePos & GetParameterSourcePos(int i) const
Definition: type.cpp:2551
bool debugPrint
Definition: ispc.h:536
void RegisterDependency(const std::string &fileName)
Definition: module.cpp:101
static bool lContainsPtrToVarying(const StructType *st)
Definition: module.cpp:1019
const bool isExternC
Definition: type.h:890
void AddExportedTypes(const std::vector< std::pair< const Type *, SourcePos >> &types)
Definition: module.cpp:802
bool AddType(const char *name, const Type *type, SourcePos pos)
Definition: sym.cpp:165
bool LookupFunction(const char *name, std::vector< Symbol *> *matches=NULL)
Definition: sym.cpp:139
bool printTarget
Definition: ispc.h:539
static void lPrintFunctionDeclarations(FILE *file, const std::vector< Symbol *> &funcs, bool useExternC=1, bool rewriteForDispatch=false)
Definition: module.cpp:1283
const Type * GetReferenceTarget() const
Definition: type.cpp:2087
static void lGetExportedParamTypes(const std::vector< Symbol *> &funcs, std::vector< const StructType *> *exportedStructTypes, std::vector< const EnumType *> *exportedEnumTypes, std::vector< const VectorType *> *exportedVectorTypes)
Definition: module.cpp:1265
bool runCPP
Definition: ispc.h:532
static void lDeclareSizeAndPtrIntTypes(SymbolTable *symbolTable)
Definition: module.cpp:106
Representation of a structure holding a number of members.
Definition: type.h:650
int GetValues(bool *, bool forceVarying=false) const
Definition: expr.cpp:5535
char currentDirectory[1024]
Definition: ispc.h:615
void GetDirectoryAndFileName(const std::string &currentDirectory, const std::string &relativeName, std::string *directory, std::string *filename)
Definition: util.cpp:516
bool mangleFunctionsWithTarget
Definition: ispc.h:600
Header file with declarations for various LLVM utility stuff.
const std::string & GetElementName(int i) const
Definition: type.h:696
int CompileFile()
Definition: module.cpp:203
ISPCTarget ParseISPCTarget(std::string target)
bool emitInstrumentation
Definition: ispc.h:582
SourcePos pos
Definition: sym.h:68
uint32_t RoundUpPow2(uint32_t v)
Definition: util.h:50
Module(const char *filename)
Definition: module.cpp:131
static void lGetExportedFunctions(SymbolTable *symbolTable, std::map< std::string, FunctionTargetVariants > &functions)
Definition: module.cpp:2086
StorageClass storageClass
Definition: sym.h:94
bool hasRand() const
Definition: ispc.h:255
Representation of a range of positions in a source file.
Definition: ispc.h:123
bool generateDebuggingSymbols
Definition: ispc.h:588
llvm::ConstantInt * LLVMInt32(int32_t ival)
Definition: llvmutil.cpp:233
Type implementation for enumerated types.
Definition: type.h:347
virtual const Type * GetAsNonConstType() const =0
virtual std::string GetString() const =0
bool hasTranscendentals() const
Definition: ispc.h:261
Definition: ispc.h:114
bool force32BitAddressing
Definition: ispc.h:412
int GetElementCount() const
Definition: type.h:699
bool dllExport
Definition: ispc.h:630
const char * name
Definition: ispc.h:126
void markFuncWithTargetAttr(llvm::Function *func)
Definition: ispc.cpp:1410
static void lEmitStructDecl(const StructType *st, std::vector< const StructType *> *emittedStructs, FILE *file, bool emitUnifs=true)
Definition: module.cpp:1036
SourcePos pos
Definition: ast.h:76
bool IsVoidType() const
Definition: type.cpp:167
static const AtomicType * VaryingInt64
Definition: type.h:330
void Error(SourcePos p, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: util.cpp:351
Definition: ispc_version.h:40
int getVectorWidth() const
Definition: ispc.h:245
bool IsPointerType() const
Definition: type.cpp:161
static void lAddTypeIfNew(const Type *type, std::vector< const T *> *exportedTypes)
Definition: module.cpp:1208
#define FATAL(message)
Definition: util.h:116
A (short) vector of atomic types.
Definition: type.h:600
llvm::Type * LLVMType(llvm::LLVMContext *ctx) const
Definition: type.cpp:1460
const Type * GetElementType(const std::string &name) const
Definition: type.cpp:1881
const llvm::DataLayout * getDataLayout() const
Definition: ispc.h:224
static void lEmitStructDecls(std::vector< const StructType *> &structTypes, FILE *file, bool emitUnifs=true)
Definition: module.cpp:1112
const std::string GetCStructName() const
Definition: type.cpp:1630
YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string(const char *)
Representation of a function in a source file.
static void lEmitDispatchModule(llvm::Module *module, std::map< std::string, FunctionTargetVariants > &functions)
Definition: module.cpp:2290
std::string GetCDeclarationForDispatch(const std::string &fname) const
Definition: type.cpp:2392
#define Assert(expr)
Definition: util.h:128
virtual const Type * GetElementType() const =0
static bool Equal(const Type *a, const Type *b)
Definition: type.cpp:2853
Definition: ispc.h:157
const bool isTask
Definition: type.h:882
static std::string lGetTargetFileName(const char *outFileName, const char *isaString)
Definition: module.cpp:2039
void AddFunctionDefinition(const std::string &name, const FunctionType *ftype, Stmt *code)
Definition: module.cpp:783
Definition: module.h:100
ISA getISA() const
Definition: ispc.h:231
const Type * GetParameterType(int i) const
Definition: type.cpp:2541
const char * GetISAString() const
Definition: ispc.cpp:1287
static void lUnescapeStringInPlace(std::string &str)
Definition: module.cpp:1319
Type representing a function (return type + argument types)
Definition: type.h:829
Representation of a program symbol.
Definition: sym.h:62
void AddFunction(Symbol *sym, Stmt *code)
Definition: ast.cpp:55
void GenerateIR()
Definition: ast.cpp:61
virtual bool IsConstType() const =0
Interface class that defines the type abstraction.
Definition: type.h:90
Globals * g
Definition: ispc.cpp:72
int generateDWARFVersion
Definition: ispc.h:596
Expr abstract base class and expression implementations.
void AddBitcodeToModule(const BitcodeLib *lib, llvm::Module *module, SymbolTable *symbolTable, bool warn)
Definition: builtins.cpp:746
llvm::DICompileUnit * diCompileUnit
Definition: module.h:156
static bool lRecursiveCheckValidParamType(const Type *t, bool vectorOk)
Definition: module.cpp:465
void GetMatchingFunctions(Predicate pred, std::vector< Symbol *> *matches) const
Definition: sym.h:277
static bool lCompatibleTypes(llvm::Type *Ty1, llvm::Type *Ty2)
Definition: module.cpp:2311
static bool writeBitcode(llvm::Module *module, const char *outFileName, OutputType outputType)
Definition: module.cpp:917
Expr is the abstract base class that defines the interface that all expression types must implement...
Definition: expr.h:47
static void lStripUnusedDebugInfo(llvm::Module *module)
Definition: module.cpp:126
virtual std::string GetCDeclaration(const std::string &name) const =0
const BitcodeLib * getDispatchLib() const
bool noPragmaOnce
Definition: ispc.h:584
ASTNode * Optimize(ASTNode *root)
Definition: ast.cpp:234
bool writeDeps(const char *filename, bool generateMakeRule, const char *targetName=NULL, const char *srcFilename=NULL)
Definition: module.cpp:1350
bool isValid() const
Definition: ispc.h:227
FILE * yyin
static const Type * SizeUnsizedArrays(const Type *type, Expr *initExpr)
Definition: type.cpp:1288
virtual const Type * GetBaseType() const =0
Definition: ispc_version.h:42
static int CompileAndOutput(const char *srcFile, Arch arch, const char *cpu, std::vector< ISPCTarget > targets, OutputFlags outputFlags, OutputType outputType, const char *outFileName, const char *headerFileName, const char *includeFileName, const char *depsFileName, const char *depsTargetName, const char *hostStubFileName, const char *devStubFileName)
Definition: module.cpp:2390
std::vector< std::string > cppArgs
Definition: ispc.h:619
void AddGlobalVariable(const std::string &name, const Type *type, Expr *initExpr, bool isConst, StorageClass storageClass, SourcePos pos)
Definition: module.cpp:272
const bool isExported
Definition: type.h:886
bool is32Bit() const
Definition: ispc.h:235
int GetElementCount() const
Definition: type.cpp:1416
Declaration of the Module class, which is the ispc-side representation of the results of compiling a ...
const VectorType * GetAsNonConstType() const
Definition: type.cpp:1391
int errorCount
Definition: module.h:144
virtual const Type * GetAsUnboundVariabilityType() const =0
llvm::LLVMContext * ctx
Definition: ispc.h:611
const char * filename
Definition: module.h:159
void yy_delete_buffer(YY_BUFFER_STATE)
const Type * type
Definition: sym.h:82
llvm::DIBuilder * diBuilder
Definition: module.h:154
void Warning(SourcePos p, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: util.cpp:378
Definition: target_enums.h:50
static bool EqualIgnoringConst(const Type *a, const Type *b)
Definition: type.cpp:2855
bool disableAsserts
Definition: ispc.h:416
static const AtomicType * VaryingUInt32
Definition: type.h:328
static const char * ISAToTargetString(Target::ISA isa)
Definition: ispc.cpp:1292
const std::string GetReturnTypeString() const
Definition: type.cpp:2452
virtual llvm::Type * LLVMStorageType(llvm::LLVMContext *ctx) const
Definition: type.cpp:125
llvm::TargetMachine * GetTargetMachine() const
Definition: ispc.h:191
SymbolTable * symbolTable
Definition: module.h:148
llvm::Function * exportedFunction
Definition: sym.h:77
bool IsStdin(const char *filepath)
Definition: util.cpp:621
bool IsArrayType() const
Definition: type.cpp:163
File with declarations for classes related to type representation.
AST * ast
Definition: module.h:160
llvm::FunctionType * LLVMFunctionType(llvm::LLVMContext *ctx, bool disableMask=false) const
Definition: type.cpp:2476
bool ISPCTargetIsGeneric(ISPCTarget target)
bool WriteCXXFile(llvm::Module *module, const char *fn, int vectorWidth, const char *includeName)
Definition: cbackend.cpp:5237
bool writeDispatchHeader(DispatchHeaderInfo *DHI)
Definition: module.cpp:1791
One-dimensional array type.
Definition: type.h:521